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Tag: dedication ceremony

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

May the Flames That Transmute Samsara Into Nirvana Arise (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Sat, 2 Nov, 2024 - 10:00

Taking the line ‘May the flames that transmute samsara into nirvana’ from the familiar Triratna Dedication ceremony as his starting point, Jnanadhara explores the transformative power of mindfulness. What exactly are those flames? How does mindfulness help us ‘transform, transmute, transfigure’ in the words of Bhante Sangharakshita? Taking a deep dive into the Tantric symbolism of Padmasambhava and drawing on poetry and his love of music and mantra, Jnanadhara presents us with an excellent grounding in how...

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The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Dedication Ceremony - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 1

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 15 May, 2020 - 09:48

Dedication Ceremony - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 1

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 15 May, 2020 - 09:48

Today, day 1, you might like to spend some time figuring out how you are going to take part - how much time do you have, what supports do you need, what is your wish for this retreat. It can be helpful to support this intention with a bit of ritual.

Often on the first night of a retreat this is marked by some kind of ceremony - in our community, this is often done with a...

Community Highlights
Triratna International Council

Dedicating The 2018 International Council

By Centre Team on Tue, 13 Feb, 2018 - 17:59

Welcome to the 2018 Triratna International Council! Follow in the dedicated International Council space all week for more recordings, podcasts, videos and pictures. Or connect daily on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook

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An evening at the Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Centre in Bhaja, India, to greet people from all around the world, gathering to look at how to take forward in unity an international, multi-lingual,...


Triratna50 - European Dedication Ceremony

By Jnanacandra on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 22:04

Jnanacandra, Chair of Essen Buddhist Centre in Germany writes: 

We celebrated our 50th birthday in Essen with about 170 people; who came from Paris, Brussels, Gent, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Metta Vihara, Groningen, Berlin, Freiburg, Tübingen, Wiesbaden, Gelnhausen, Arnsberg, Osnabrück, Düsseldorf, Duisburg, Dortmund and Essen.

This recording is of the dedication ceremony for the next 50 years - first in English, then the first and last verse in French, Dutch and German respectively.

Find Triratna Centres in Europe and round the world

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Una Ceremonia del Dedicación en Español (With a Little Bit of English!)

By Candradasa on Mon, 26 Oct, 2015 - 04:04

La Ceremonia del dedicación en español de la Convención Pan-American por la Orden budista Triratna.

The 2015 Pan-American Convention starts with a simple ceremony in Spanish to dedicate the event to the collective development of wisdom and compassion throughout the week. For the sake of all beings…

View all posts from the Pan-American Convention 2015

The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28
The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28

The Dedication Ceremony For The Urban Retreat 2015

By Mokshini on Mon, 19 Oct, 2015 - 16:18

Here is a copy of the Triratna Dedication Ceremony. You may wish to recite this in the morning, to set up your day, and give support to your practice aspirations.

Get more ideas for supporting your practice through the week

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File NameSize
The Dedication Ceremony20.87 KB
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Introduction and Dedication Ceremony

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 26 Sep, 2015 - 13:38

The retreat at Taraloka in Wales gets underway with a reassuring and encouraging message from Amaragita for all parents who need to stop from time to time, and then a lovely brief exercise led by Karunagita to ground everyone in the space. Dedicating the “sacred space” of the retreat follows, and we end with a beautiful chanting of the Green Tara mantra. A perfect way to begin…

View all posts from this weekend

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