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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

A Renovating Virtue – Hartley Woolf and His Alfoxton Film

By Candradasa on Fri, 18 Aug, 2023 - 22:13

Alfoxton House in Somerset, England has a long and rich history stretching back over 1000 years. It was mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, and is where the young William Wordsworth, his sister Dorothy and their great friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge helped birth the radical new Romantic movement during a magical year there in 1797.

In June 2020, a new Triratna Buddhist community received the keys to this astonishing property set within 52 acres of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

How to Collaborate Around the World (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 435)

By Centre Team on Sat, 31 Dec, 2022 - 20:21

The Triratna International Council has been a going concern for 11+ years–but in many ways it’s just getting started. Meeting again in person for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s undergoing something of a renaissance; renewing itself through the work of Buddhists from around the world, all united in their heart wish to work together to help exemplify a path of everyday practice for a planet that really needs a humane path out of suffering.

We meet friends...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Seeding Community

By Zac on Sat, 15 Oct, 2022 - 06:00

How can we equip ourselves to co-operate in collective action and play? How do we work with negative emotions and polarized views? Many of us long to be in deeper communication and relationships with others, but in order to do that we need to create the necessary conditions for community to arise. Drawing on the Buddha’s teaching, as well as political and social thinkers, Dhammamegha looks at the tender and necessary ground for sustained action towards the...

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Fifty Years, Fifty Voices: Jyotipala (Highlights)

By Zac on Fri, 26 Aug, 2022 - 08:54

I must say, a couple of years before that, I’d actually – in one of my sober moments – not alcoholically, but… emotionally. I’d realised what an idiot I’d been in resigning.

Jyotipala’s Annals

In 1968 I was married and living in Brighton, working as a house painter.

In 1978 I left my wife, got ordained, and moved into the Aryatara community in Purley (not in that order).

In 1988 I was in India as an Anagarika [in robes], where I had been since 1981. I spent most...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Community Sangha is Vital

By Zac on Mon, 25 Jul, 2022 - 06:00

Going Beyond Duality

How do we go beyond the duality of subject and object, self and other, to experience the true nature of reality? Jnanavaca shares how the practice of sangha is vital in making spiritual progress.

From the talk What Is Sangha & Kalyana Mitrata? Given at London Buddhist Centre as part of the series The Bi-Tendential Value of Being & The Greater Mandala, 2019.

