Join us for an intimate celebration of Sangha Day live from Adhisthana in the heart of the English countryside.
Urgyen Sangharakshita once called Going for Refuge, “The central act of the Buddhist life”. Paramabandhu leads an international event exploring how this understanding relates to the community we all take part in, and finds its place at the very heart of our practice in Triratna.
5 November, 2022
USA PST 12:30 | Mexico 13:30 | USA EST 15:30 | IE & UK 19.30 | Europe 20:30 CET | India 01:00 | Australia AEDT 06:30 (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 08:30 (next day)
Programme (1.5 hours)
7.30: Welcome with Paramabandhu
7.35: Talk: How We Go For Refuge to the Sangha
8.15: Breakout groups (optional)
8.35: Q & A with Paramabandhu and friends
9.00: Finish
Paramabandhu has been based at the London Buddhist Centre and living in communities for over 30 years. Between 2003 and 2009 he was Chair of the London Buddhist Centre where he helped to establish Breathing Space, the health and well-being wing of the Centre that teaches mindfulness-based approaches to help with depression, addiction, and stress.