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The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
Imagine the Buddha

All Of Us...

By Candradasa on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 21:01

All Of Us...

By Candradasa on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 21:01We’re almost deliriously happy to launch formally our new kind of social network here on thebuddhistcentre.com. Here’s a wee video we made to celebrate!

This weekend’s International Retreat will be the first with an online component! We loved the experiment last year with the Urban Retreat, so let’s go for it again…
Triratna News
Triratna News

All Of Us...

By Candradasa on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 20:54

All Of Us...

By Candradasa on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 20:54We’re very happy to announce the launch of a new kind of social network here on thebuddhistcentre.com, the home of the Triratna Buddhist Community online. Here’s a wee video we made to celebrate! Come and connect

It’s been a lot of work to get this far and we hope you’ll enjoy exploring and helping us build the online community, starting this weekend with the first online version of the Triratna International Retreat! Many thanks to...
