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There have been so many events on at our Triratna Buddhist Centres and Groups, and in other Buddhist traditions too - it has been most inspiring to read about the many different ways we have engaged, discussed and shared about some of the particular ethical issues and dilemmas that face us in the 21st century.
There are still some days to go - if you haven’t got round to writing about an action that took place at your Centre/Group, or want to...
Buddhist Action Month is also happening at the Sydney Buddhist Centre where there is an ongoing impressive engagement with environmental concerns and climate change matters - part of their practice is helping to #StopAdani - the Australian government’s support for a coal mine at the expense of funding renewables.
I intended to start this blog by saying I believe you only have to do something THREE times before it becomes a habit - but then I decided to check up on my views and googled it, and rather depressingly, it seems to be at least 21 or 28 or even 66 days to really change a habit - oh dear!
But, in any case, I have now been to Exeter farmer’s market THREE times, and I would like to think that...
Over the weekend of 16-18 June over a 100,000 events took place all over the UK in the name of ‘The Great Get Together’ - to mark the anniversary of the murder of Labour member of parliament Jo Cox who was known as a defender of immigration and killed for her beliefs. This quote from her first speech to Parliament summed up what the Great Get Together was about
We are far more united and have far more in common that what divides us
The Network of Buddhist Organisations (NBO) in the UK has commissioned a research and design project in order to support those engaging in BAM and to help the idea to flourish. Part of that project is a questionnaire - here is the link:
Owhiro Bay is part of the South Coast Marine Reserve (Taputeranga) – but being a marine reserve seems to mean little to the pieces of plastic, old bottles, old cans and general flotsam that continue to wash up on the shore and tidal pools. Nature needs more from us than the benign but distant good will of labelling a piece of coast line as a marine reserve
A couple of weeks ago, we had a great BAM preparation community night where Maitrisiddhi talked about the trends of Engagement and Withdrawal as personified by Green Tara. Then we did some writing reflection and came up with 5 personal pledges each to do during June. These were to include both withdrawal and engagement pledges.
Here are a few examples of our pledges:
Kathy, Maitridevi and I are going strictly vegan for the month. I have also decided...
We launched BAM on May 30th with a talk on the precepts and a discussion on how we might extend the practice of them bearing in mind “beings living far away and beings yet to be born”.
After a practice of the Metta Bhavana our individual intentions for June were offered and are displayed at the Centre.
As a Sangha, we are moving towards Zero – Waste trying to put into practice the 5 Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Rot, Recycle. With no landfill...
Buddhist Action Month started as a project of the Network Of Buddhist Organisations UK five years ago, and there are several other Buddhist traditions and sanghas organising events and taking part: