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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Anatomy of the Breath

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 23 Jul, 2018 - 12:05

In this Dharmabyte podcast, ‘Anatomy of the Breath’, Padmadarshini gives us a really good working context to help our meditation practice.

Best to lie down comfortably as you listen to her description of the anatomical and physiological processes involved in breathing. She’s a yoga teacher as well as a meditation teacher and she draws on both those sets of skills to give this talk. And as you lie there, she’ll help you tune into your own own body with some...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Anapanasati - Contemplation of Feelings

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 19 May, 2018 - 12:14

This FBA Podcast is called ‘Anapanasati - Contemplation of Feelings’ given by Guhyavajra during the 2016 Anapanasati retreat at Padmaloka.

The Anapanasati meditation practice and Four Foundations of Mindfulness are woven into a system of practice which when developed and cultivated is of great fruit and great benefit. Based on the Buddha’s principal discourse on the subject found in the Anapanasati sutta of the Pali Canon, we explore our human experience rooted in the...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Whole Body Breathing

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 10 May, 2018 - 15:56

This FBA Dharmabyte, ‘Whole Body Breathing’, is an excerpt from the talk Anatomy of the Breath by Padmadarshini. 

This talk provides a really good working context to help your meditation practice. Best to lie down comfortably as you listen to Padmadarshini’s description of the anatomical and physiological processes involved in breathing. She’s a yoga teacher as well as a meditation teacher and she draws on both those sets of skills to give this talk. And as you...

Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction

A Breath Meditation

By Vimalasara on Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 - 07:34
Day one is a meditation on the breath, with music composed by Yeshe Chodron also known as Laurie Lesk. The breath is fundamental to meditation. It is a place where you can come home to yourself. When you connect to the breath you can restore calm in your heart and mind. In this meditation we explore the qualities of breathing.

Download this recording