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Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Reading Lists

By Centre Team on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 19:36

Windhorse Publications have prepared a series of recommended books for people at different levels of involvement with Triratna. We also includes reading list prepared by Vajramati in New Yor. 

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Looking Back at 2015

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 4 Jan, 2016 - 18:27

Looking Back at 2015

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 4 Jan, 2016 - 18:27

Thanks to our excellent authors and readers, 2015 has been a very good year for Windhorse Publications. We were pleased to publish four thoughtful new books and to receive support from our readers in the form of sponsorships.

The Buddha on Wall Street was first off the block. Its author Vaddhaka Linn greatly helped us promote it with a near-year-long and near-global tour of Triratna Buddhist centres in the UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. We are really...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Kalyanaprabha On Editing Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Thu, 3 Sep, 2015 - 11:14

An excellent conversation with Kalyanaprabha on what it’s like to work with and edit Sangharakshita, as his latest book, ‘A Moseley Miscellany’ hits the bookshops and the project to publish his Complete Works gets underway. Words and their meanings, the transformative effect of literature in a life, writing as a gateway to spiritual insight - these are just some of the topics covered as we hear from someone whose passion for literary work is both inspiring...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Sangharakshita: A Moseley Miscellany - Free Preview!

Sangharakshita: A Moseley Miscellany - Free Preview!

By Centre Team on Thu, 3 Sep, 2015 - 11:13

Sangharakshita’s new book, ‘A Moseley Miscellany’ is out! It’s the latest work edited by Kalyanaprabha under the Ibis books imprint distributed by Windhorse Publications - and we have a free preview for you!

Buy ‘A Moseley Miscellany - Prose and Verse 1997-2012’

Listen to Kalyanaprabha talk about editing this book and Sangharakshita’s Complete Works

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Sangharakshita's Complete Works Appeal Celebration and Book Launch

By Candradasa on Sun, 23 Aug, 2015 - 00:06

At the start of this recording Parami refers to the assembled Order taking part in a Mahayana Sutra. Never was a comment more prescient as the thunder rolls in, the skies pour forth torrents of rain and the shrine marquee is played on like a great drum! Afterwards, rainbows - a fitting way to greet Sangharakshita who joins the throng to celebrate the success of an appeal to fund his Complete Works and to hear Kalyanaprabha...
