Windhorse Publications
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Looking Back – New Books and Looks in 2016

We have had an exciting year at Windhorse Publications. We would like to share some of the highlights with our readers.

  • The Complete Works of Sangharakshita was launched. The first volume published, Dr Ambedkar and the Revival of Buddhism I, was in time for celebrations around the conversion of Dr Ambedkar and his followers to Buddhism, in October. The next volume to be published (in March) is The Rainbow Road from Tooting Broadway to Kalimpong. Subscriptions for the whole set are rolling in, and we have over 65 sets purchased through this discounted method now. Hardback + eBook proves the most popular of our options. We thank Akasapriya, our web designer, as we could not have set these subscriptions up using our old site. Which brings us to the next point.

  • Our new website was launched end of March, 2016. We’ve already seen a rise in sales using mobile devices such as phones and tablets. We knew our old site was difficult to use on these devices and are happy it is easier. Besides, we think Akasapriya’s design is beautiful and we hope it brings beauty and ease to others who visit it.

  • In addition to Dr Ambedkar and the Revival of Buddhism I, we’ve published two new books: 
    • Great Faith, Great Wisdom by Ratnaguna and Śraddhāpa has had multiple, positive reviews (Steve Lane calls it ‘remarkable’ and ‘wonderful’ in Pure Land Notes). Sangharakshita comments, “Ratnaguna beautifully explores these ancient texts, bringing out their significance for us today.” We’ve launched our first multi-media ‘stories’ page on Great Faith, Great Wisdom in conjunction with 

  • Mindfully Facing Disease and Death by Anālayo has been called by Vidyamala Burch “A remarkable and wonderful book.” She comments that reflecting deeply on disease and death will . . . “help to bring about the deepest healing of all – the healing of the mind and the heart.” With a Foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn and a moving Postscript written by the recently deceased Aming Tu, the book offers an exploration of the wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings on living with illness, and caring for the ill. Priyananda introduces it nicely in this video.

  • We are carrying a new book by Vidyamala Burch and Claire Irvin, Mindfulness for Women, published by Little, Brown and available from our website (and BookSource).
  • We’re also carrying Bodhipaksa’s new Guided Meditation CDs. How to Stop Beating Yourself Up and Harnessing the Power of Kindness help us bring more compassion into our experience.

Look out for new, upcoming titles Other Than Mother (published by Earth Books) and the Spanish-language editions of Life with Full Attention and Eight-Step Recovery (from Editorial Siglantana), which will be available soon from our website and from BookSource.

Finally, we’d like to thank our sponsors for helping us publish and distribute Mindfully Facing Disease and Death and Mindful Emotion, which is coming out next spring. And thanks to Onur ( for the team photo.

We’ve had a good year! 

Wishing you and yours all the best for the end of 2016.