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Sangharakshita's Seminars For The Digital Age - Cultivating the Heart of Patience

*Updated* Now available for free (and DRM-free) for iPhone, iPad, ePub and Kindle! Download below, or from the included links to Apple and Amazon stores.


For over 40 years, we have been producing transcriptions of full-length Dharma seminars by Urgyen Sangharakshita, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community. This previously unpublished week-long seminar on a key section of Shantideva’s classic text, ‘The Bodhicaryavatara’, is a radical digital re-imagining of what a seminar record can be in the age of the iPad.

We’ve used multi-touch to bring the conversations and commentary to life, animating everything from footnotes and references to the famous text itself, as well as all the historical and contextual material that helps us understand its profound ideas more deeply. With generous audio, video, and image support - and an innovative, meticulously researched internal web referencing system - we hope any reader engaged in the practice of mindfulness, kindness, and patience will experience a sense of deep delight as they explore a valuable Dharma resource that can be used for years to come.

iBooks multi-touch edition (for iPad)

NB. The multi-touch edition of book requires the Apple Books app, so it only works on Apple computers, iPads, and later iPhones (bigger screen is better for this format). There is no direct equivalent at present on other platforms. See below for other versions, accessible on all devices.

Two editions
All the cross-platform versions below are available either as the full-length seminar, or in a special edited Highlights edition produced with Sangharakshita's approval.

eBook version (ePub)

​Kindle version
Unfortunately, Amazon don't make it possible for us to distribute free versions on their platform. You can choose to support us by buying from the Kindle store at the lowest price we can choose ($2,99 or local equivalent), or download a free version below.

​Text version

The full text of this seminar has been incorporated as text and PDF into the free archive available on Free Buddhist Audio. Or you can pick a version below. 

View the Triratna online transcription archive

Sangharakshita in Seminar - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (ePub) 369 KB
Sangharakshita in Seminar - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (Kindle app - azw3) 595 KB
Sangharakshita in Seminar - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (Kindle reader - mobi) 471 KB
Sangharakshita in Seminar - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (PDF for screen) 997 KB
Sangharakshita in Seminar - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (PDF for print A4) 430 KB
Sangharakshita in Seminar - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (PDF for print US Letter) 432 KB
Sangharakshita Seminar Highlights - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (ePub) 233 KB
Sangharakshita Seminar Highlights - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (Kindle app - azw3) 206 KB
Sangharakshita Seminar Highlights - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (Kindle reader - mobi) 201 KB
Sangharakshita Seminar Highlights - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (PDF for screen) 490 KB
Sangharakshita Seminar Highlights - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (PDF for print A4) 430 KB
Sangharakshita Seminar Highlights - Cultivating the Heart of Patience, Lessons from the Bodhicaryavatara (PDF US Letter) 432 KB