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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Launch of The Buddhist Vision and the Dhammapada (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Tue, 9 Apr, 2024 - 10:45

Here is a recently re-discovered little lost delight - Sangharakshita and Subhuti launching each other’s books and clearly enjoying themselves. Sangharakshita’s in fine humour - and it’s great to hear him read and quote from the bible! Is that a twinkle in his voice? 

Talk given at Triratna [FWBO] Day celebrations in 2001.


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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Sound of One Hand: An Interview with Satyadasa

By Centre Team on Wed, 21 Sep, 2022 - 17:12

The Sound of One Hand: An Interview with Satyadasa

By Centre Team on Wed, 21 Sep, 2022 - 17:12

Many of you will have heard our recent podcast The Sound of One Hand, where we chat to Satyadasa about his new memoir of the same name, published in February 2022.

Satyadasa’s book is a relatable and humorous account of a Buddhist life, and is already well regarded by many readers. In this video from a recent Sangha night at the The Nottingham Buddhist Centre in the UK, Zac Pomphrey, a member of our team here at...
