Many of you will have heard our recent podcast The Sound of One Hand, where we chat to Satyadasa about his new memoir of the same name, published in February 2022.
Satyadasa's book is a relatable and humorous account of a Buddhist life, and is already well regarded by many readers. In this video from a recent Sangha night at the The Nottingham Buddhist Centre in the UK, Zac Pomphrey, a member of our team here at Dharmachakra, interviews Satyadasa about the book.
This time the focus is on Zac and Satyadasa's shared experience of growing up having been born without a hand: what it's been like to operate in the world, and how does their experience informs their practice of the Dharma.
Listen to the Sound of One Hand podcast episode | Buy 'The Sound of One Hand' by Satyadasa