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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Simplicity of Lifestyle

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 30 Jan, 2021 - 06:00

Amritamati talks about how we can practice simplicity in our lives: whatever our lifestyle is or whatever we want our lifestyle to be, from parenting to becoming a celibate ‘Anagarika’. This talk was given on a weekend retreat at Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre for women who are training for Ordination, 2014.

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Simplicity of Lifestyle

By vajratara on Sat, 8 Feb, 2014 - 23:34
This is a recent talk from Tiratanaloka - given by Amritamati on a weekend retreat in January. She came back from Triratna’s first Anagarika convention in December inspired and enthusiastic about exploring simplicity and contentment for those living in every kind of lifestyle.
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Anagarika Convention with Parami No.3 - Goodbye from Adhisthana

By Candradasa on Wed, 18 Dec, 2013 - 16:24
The final installment of Parami’s in-depth reporting from the first convention of men and women in the Triratna Buddhist Order who have adopted a life of deep simplicity, stillness and contentment, supporting that with the practice of celibacy.

Today we hear from Amitamati, Tarachitta, Muditasri, Atapani, Yashodeva, Dhammadinna and Manjuvajra about their own experiences and their journeys towards this way of life.

Muditasri talks movingly about her own practice of ‘homelessness’, Yashodeva talks about community, and we even...
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Anagarika Convention with Parami No. 2 - Pramodya and Nirmala

By Candradasa on Mon, 16 Dec, 2013 - 22:38
The second set of interviews from Adhisthana with Parami around the ‘anagarikas’ convention - a gathering of Buddhist women and men dedicated to living a simple, free, contented life and expressing that in part through the practice of celibacy. Today we meet two men anagarikas from Essen in Germany - Pramodya and Nirmala - who describe their experience of living this way and its effect on their sense of wellbeing.

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Parami, Dhammadinna and Kuladharini In Conversation at the Anagarika Convention

By Centre Team on Sat, 14 Dec, 2013 - 14:59
What is an ‘anagarika’? Why practice celibacy as a way to cultivate freedom from life’s entanglements? A brace of discussions with women at Adhisthana during the first Triratna Anagarika Convention, each between two experienced members of the Order who have taken that extraordinary step as a support to their practice of contentment as the basis for a fulfilled spiritual life.

For more on this subject, see writings on celibacy

Listen to Suvarnaprabha...
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Suvarnaprabha (and Others) - Writings on Celibacy (eBook)

Suvarnaprabha (and Others) - Writings on Celibacy (eBook)

By Candradasa on Wed, 25 Sep, 2013 - 17:18As part of marking the life and death of Suvarnaprabha (1963-2013) we’ll be publishing some of her writing here on The Buddhist Centre Online, in conjunction with her friends in San Francisco, and her friend and editor, Vidyadevi.

Suvarnaprabha had been living with advanced stage cancer for the past couple of years and writing the most amazing blog about it.

Some months ago she also took the step of becoming an Anagarika within the...
