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Suvarnaprabha (and Others) - Writings on Celibacy (eBook)
As part of marking the life and death of Suvarnaprabha (1963-2013) we'll be publishing some of her writing here on The Buddhist Centre Online, in conjunction with her friends in San Francisco, and her friend and editor, Vidyadevi.

Suvarnaprabha had been living with advanced stage cancer for the past couple of years and writing the most amazing blog about it.

Some months ago she also took the step of becoming an Anagarika within the context of the Triratna Buddhist Order - someone who commits herself fully to a life of stillness, simplicity, contentment and celibacy. Here she collects some of her own thoughts on the subject, along with other people's writings that inspired her to make such a declaration in the face of her own mortality.

Many thanks to Vidyadevi, Dhammarati and Padmatara for their help in preparing this volume.

Buy the print edition (USA) (UK)

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Listen to Suvarnaprabha talking about becoming an Anagarika towards the end of her life