San Francisco Buddhist Center
San Francisco Buddhist Center
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A Bodhisattva's Reach Must Exceed Their Grasp

...or what's a fundraiser for?*

Please join us on Sunday, September 17th at 5PM Pacific Time for the fourth and last film in our festival, Inhabitants: An indigenous perspective on restoring the world.

When we got close to our fundraising goal, we increased it! Can you help us surpass a million rupees for Karuna-USA?

We are raising funds for Karuna-USA to help reduce the suffering of many thousands of beings. One hundred percent of funds raised will go to Karuna USA’s climate change projects in India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Please join us either in person OR on Zoom! Tickets available at the links above and below.

Sunday, September 17, 2023, 5pm PST Inhabitants

We’d also appreciate help spreading the word about this fundraiser to your respective sanghas, communities and contacts by forwarding this email and or posting the event link on social media.

Thank you so much on behalf of all the beings at risk and suffering now and in the future as our climate continues to change. Any donation amounts translate to a big difference in this part of the world.

With gratitude,

The Green Sangha/San Francisco Buddhist Center/Karuna-USA

*"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?"
-Robert Browning

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Writing with Fire
Karuna-USA Film Festival

Please join us for the third film in our festival, Writing with Fire, a double Sundance award winner, for inspiration, an opportunity to support Karuna-USA, and community.

"In a cluttered news landscape dominated by men, emerges India's only newspaper run by Dalit women. Chief Reporter Meera and her journalists break traditions, redefining what it means to be powerful."

We are raising funds for Karuna-USA to help reduce the suffering of many thousands of beings. One hundred percent of funds raised will go to Karuna USA's climate change projects in India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Please join us either in person OR on Zoom! Tickets available at the links above and below.

Friday, August 11, 2023, 7pm PST  Writing with Fire

We'd also appreciate help spreading the word about this fundraiser to your respective sanghas, communities and contacts by forwarding this email and or posting the event link on social media.

Thank you so much on behalf of all the beings at risk and suffering now and in the future as our climate continues to change. Any donation amounts translate to a big difference in this part of the world.

With gratitude,

The Green Sangha/San Francisco Buddhist Center/Karuna-USA

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Biggest Little Farm, Big Love for Karuna-USA

We're excited to invite you to the second film in our Film Festival, the inspiring, heart-warming and visually stunning documentary the Biggest Little Farm.

We are raising funds for Karuna-USA to help reduce the suffering of many thousands of beings. One hundred percent of funds raised will go to Karuna USA's climate change projects in India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Please join us either in person OR on Zoom! Tickets available at the links above and below.

Sunday, July 16, 2023  5pm PST  The Biggest Little Farm

We'd also appreciate help spreading the word about this fundraiser to your respective sanghas, communities and contacts by forwarding this email and or posting the event link on social media.

Thank you so much on behalf of all the beings at risk and suffering now and in the future as our climate continues to change. Any donation amounts translate to a big difference in this part of the world.

With gratitude,

The Green Sangha/San Francisco Buddhist Center/Karuna-USA

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Pad Yatra!

The opening night of our film festival fundraiser for Karuna-USA is only a few days away. We know it's Pride weekend and there's a log going on, but if you're looking for something to do, please join us in person or by Zoom! 

Our first movie offering is the highly acclaimed Pad Yatra.

Please join us on Friday, June 23 at 7pm in person or on zoom. You can visit our fundraising page for tickets and more info on Pad Yatra.

We are raising funds for Karuna-USA to help reduce the suffering of many thousands of beings.  One hundred percent of funds raised will go to Karuna USA's climate change projects in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. 

In the following months, we will show three more highly rated and fascinating films on the theme of climate justice and recovery and adaptation efforts happening now. 

Visit our fundraising page for more information on the festival program and tickets for the other movies.

You can join either in person OR on Zoom.

Please help us spread the word about this fundraiser to your respective sanghas, communities and contacts by forwarding this email and or posting the event link on social media.

Thank you so much on behalf of all the beings at risk and suffering now and in the future as our climate continues to change. Any donation amounts translate to a big difference in this part of the world.

With gratitude,

The Green Sangha/San Francisco Buddhist Center/Karuna-USA

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In honor of Buddhist Action Month, please join us for the opening night of our Film Festival! We are raising funds for Karuna-USA to help reduce the suffering of many thousands of beings.  One hundred percent of funds raised will go to Karuna USA's climate change projects in three countries: India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

We have four inspiring, highly rated and fascinating films on the theme of climate justice and recovery and adaptation efforts happening now.

Click here for more information and tickets

Please join us: either in person OR on Zoom.

Please help us spread the word about this fundraiser to your respective sanghas, communities and contacts by forwarding this email and or posting the event link on social media.

Thank you so much on behalf of all the beings at risk and suffering now and in the future as our climate continues to change. Any donation amounts translate to a big difference in this part of the world.

With gratitude,

The Green Sangha/San Francisco Buddhist Center/Karuna-USA

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A Conversation with Thenmozhi Soundararajan

The SFBC is proud to present:

Thenmozhi Soundararajan, activist and author of "The Trauma of Caste" in conversation with Viveka and Dayamudra of the Triratna Buddhist Order.

Saturday March 11 (1hr)
Online via zoom

USA PST 09:00 | Mexico 11:00 | USA EST 12:00 | IE & UK 17.00 | Europe 18:00 CET | India 22:30 | Australia AEDT 04:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 06:00 (next day)

Please join us for this healing conversation. Register through Eventbrite and we will send you the Zoom link

Suggested donation $0 to $50 - all donations go to Thenmozhi to support her work with Equality Labs. Thank you!

"Through captivating storytelling, incisive analysis, hard data, historical perspective, and an engaged Buddhist lens, Soundararajan invites readers to pause, reflect, and act." (Shambhala Chicago Meditation Center Book Event.)

"Dalit American activist and author Thenmozhi Soundararajan, has been working to end caste oppression around the world for decades. In her work, she endeavors to help Dalit individuals and families heal through international solidarity with other oppressed people, working together to dismantle caste apartheid. Thenmozhi’s work is a call to action to end caste apartheid, grounded in Dalit feminist abolition and engaged Buddhism." (CIIS.)

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The SFBC Green Sangha is inviting you to come together for an Action Hour to Stop Line 3 as part of Buddhist Action Month. This is an easy and fun way to take action in community with sangha.

Line 3 is a tar sands pipeline in Minnesota that cuts through the treaty lands of Indigenous peoples. If completed, it will endanger 800 wetlands and 200 waterways, emit CO2 equivalent to 50 new coal fired power plants and violate the treaty rights of the Anishinaabe people. Indigenous peoples have been fighting against this project for several years. We want to support their effort by demanding President Biden revoke the permits for construction of this line.

We will come together in community (virtually) on Zoom. Together, we will write emails, make phone calls, get news from the frontlines and do a great action!! Bring a friend! Please register in advance to receive the Zoom link.

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Centre Team
Centre Team
Equanimity: Morning Retreat with Ratnavandana

Saturday 10th July 10, 2021, 3 hours

09.00 US PST  |  12.00 US EST  |  17.00 UK & IE  | 18.00 Europe CET  | 21.30 India

"Try to love everything that gets in your way .....  
because if something is in your way it is
going your way, the way
of all beings; towards darkness, towards light."

From "Because even the Word Obstacle is an Obstacle", by Alison Luterman

This morning retreat is hosted by Vimalasara at the Vancouver Buddhist Center.  Her friend and preceptor, Ratnavandana, will explore Equanimity as a meditation (one of the 4 Brahma Viharas - Love, Compassion, Appreciative Joy and Equanimity) and a quality of being.  

Ratnavandana has a long and deep involvement with the Dharma having been involved with Triratna since the mid-1970s.  She has been involved in many facets of the life of Triratna including team based right livelihood, Mitra convening and community living and has rich inner world.  She has spent time on long solitary retreats and currently lives in the Welsh hills.For many years the particular focus of her Dharma-life has been the Brahma-viharas which are the fundamental bases of positive emotion: metta, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.  

Here's a recent podcast with Ratnavandana talking about the Brahma Viharas.

Register for this online event hosted by the Vancouver Buddhist Centre

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Watch the recording of "Touching the Earth"

On Wednesday, April 21st, the San Francisco Buddhist Center dedicated sangha night to an evening of meditation, music, poetry, personal stories, and generosity on behalf of the Earth.  An unedited video of the recording is available now at the link below.

Lyla June and Minal Hajratwala performed, and Christine Thuring (from the Vancouver sangha), and Tim Skufca & Marta Meengs (from the Montana sangha) shared their experiences with engaged Buddhism on behalf of the earth. The evening was organized by the Green Sangha to fundraise, protect, and celebrate the rainforest—the lungs of the earth! It was a benefit for the Rainforest Foundation U.S., and donations are ongoing at

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Join us for an evening of meditation, music, poetry, personal stories, and generosity.  Lyla June and Minal Hajratwala will perform. Christine Thuring (from the Vancouver sangha), and Tim Skufca & Marta Meengs (from the Montana sangha) will share their experiences with engaged Buddhism on behalf of the earth. Join the Green Sangha to fundraise, protect, and celebrate the rainforest—the lungs of the earth!

Dates: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm Pacific Daylight Time

To register and receive the Zoom link, please visit our Sangha Nights in April page, and complete the form at the bottom of the page. We'll send you the zoom link by 2pm on the day of the event.

Proceeds go the Rainforest Foundation US

More fund raiser information available at

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
What Is the Spiritual Life?
This is the first talk in a four part series on Spiritual Friendship given at the San Francisco Buddhist Center. The month long series is based upon this quote from the Buddha - "Spiritual Friendship is the whole of the spiritual life." Talk 1 - What is the Spiritual Life? and what is meant by "spiritual"? Talk 2 - What is "Spiritual Friendship" and how does it differ from "ordinary friendship"? Talk 3 - How is Spiritual Friendship a path of transformation that leads to liberation? Talk 4 - What I have learned from Spiritual Friendship
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Thread of All Sorrows
Prasadachitta explores the realms of the mandala of the 5 Buddhas and their connection to the thread of all sorrows. This talk was given at the April 2017 men's ordination training retreat.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Mysterious World of the Flower Ornament Sutra
Curious about the outlandish and phantasmagorical realms of the Mahayana sutras? Listen as Viradhamma speaks about his relationship with and experience of the infinite realms of the Flower Ornament Sutra. This talk was given at the April 2017 men's ordination training retreat.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Archetypal Symbolism, Part 1
The life story of the Buddha is much more than a historical account – it is a poetic myth full of profound meanings that can resonate with both our conscious minds and our unconscious depths. To fully realize our infinite human potential, we need to harness the power that lies within the vast oceanic depths of our psyches. This talk, which comes in 2 parts, explores the use of the Imagination to broaden our perception of that which is possible.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Archetypal Symbolism, Part 2
The life story of the Buddha is much more than a historical account – it is a poetic myth full of profound meanings that can resonate with both our conscious minds and our unconscious depths. To fully realize our infinite human potential, we need to harness the power that lies within the vast oceanic depths of our psyches. This talk, which comes in 2 parts, explores the use of the Imagination to broaden our perception of that which is possible.
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Death and the only Beauty that lasts

An interview with Siddhisambhava during her visit to the San Francisco Buddhist Center. 

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Death and the Only Beauty That Lasts

A video interview with Siddhisambhava about her work leading Death awareness workshops.

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Mindfulness and the Creative Disruption of Bias
Viveka exploring the theme of racism from the perspective of the Dharma and what the Buddha had to say about complex conditionality. A timely look at understanding - and ultimately undoing - the patterns that lead to prejudice and bias, of all kinds. Specifically, this talk investigates: - Opening to the inter-personal, organizational, and societal conditioning that perpetuates racial bias. - Understanding 'implicit bias', which is how thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions are influenced (largely unconsciously) by exposure to stereotypes and fears about targeted social groups. - How can the mechanics of 'implicit' bias be disrupted by the power of mindfulness? Talk given at San Francisco Buddhist Center, June 2016.
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Viveka exploring the theme of racism from the perspective of the Dharma and what the Buddha had to say about complex conditionality. A timely look at understanding - and ultimately undoing - the patterns that lead to prejudice and bias, of all kinds.

Specifically, this talk investigates:

  • Opening to the inter-personal, organizational, and societal conditioning that perpetuates racial bias.
  • Understanding 'implicit bias', which is how thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions are influenced (largely unconsciously) by exposure to stereotypes and fears about targeted social groups.
  • How can the mechanics of 'implicit' bias be disrupted by the power of mindfulness?

Talk given at San Francisco Buddhist Center, June 2016

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Mind Precepts
Vimalasara explores the mind precepts and the importance of reciting the "negative" forms of the precepts in English as part of the Women's GFR Ethics Retreat at Jikoji, San Francisco, 2016.
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