San Francisco Buddhist Center
San Francisco Buddhist Center
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Film Festival! Saving Mother Earth and Her Beings, One Acre at a Time

In honor of Buddhist Action Month, please join us for the opening night of our Film Festival! We are raising funds for Karuna-USA to help reduce the suffering of many thousands of beings.  One hundred percent of funds raised will go to Karuna USA's climate change projects in three countries: India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

We have four inspiring, highly rated and fascinating films on the theme of climate justice and recovery and adaptation efforts happening now.

Click here for more information and tickets

Please join us: either in person OR on Zoom.

Please help us spread the word about this fundraiser to your respective sanghas, communities and contacts by forwarding this email and or posting the event link on social media.

Thank you so much on behalf of all the beings at risk and suffering now and in the future as our climate continues to change. Any donation amounts translate to a big difference in this part of the world.

With gratitude,

The Green Sangha/San Francisco Buddhist Center/Karuna-USA