Working in our team-based right livelihood context provides excellent conditions to deepen your practice of the dharma and strengthen your friendships. You’ll engage in an intensive situation with a transforming effect on your own life and the lives of many others.
We’re looking for an order member to join us in late 2024 to replace our outgoing Centre Manager (leading a centre team of four) but we’re also keen to hear expressions of interest from any order members or mitras training for ordination who might be interested in joining the team more generally because other opportunities may become available in future.
It is an exciting time to join the North London Buddhist Centre team as it enters a new phase after paying off the mortgage last year and with Ksantikara joining as our new Chair six months ago. We have 90 mitras, about 25 engaged order members and a spacious building (in an excellent location!) with lots of potential.
Each member of the team is supported financially so that you can live simply and give yourself fully to the altruistic project of sharing the Dharma. We set this financial support in line with the London Living Wage, currently £23,933 p.a. pro rata. Another important aspect of working for the centre is a commitment to going away on regular retreats, so we offer eight weeks of annual leave and a £1800 retreat allowance to support this.
If you’re interested in working at the North London Buddhist Centre, then get in touch to start an informal chat by sending Ksantikara an email on ksantikara@northlondonbuddhistcentre.com with a short introduction to yourself (including your connection with Triratna) and a brief note about why you’d like to work at the NLBC.
For the centre manager role, initial expressions of interest are requested before the 3rd of September 2024.