North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre
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Join North London Buddhist Centre Team 
We’re seeking expressions of interest to join the North London Buddhist Centre team

Working in our team-based right livelihood context provides excellent conditions to deepen your practice of the dharma and strengthen your friendships. You’ll engage in an intensive situation with a transforming effect on your own life and the lives of many others. 

We’re looking for an order member to join us in late 2024 to replace our outgoing Centre Manager (leading a centre team of four) but we’re also keen to hear expressions of interest from any order members or mitras training for ordination who might be interested in joining the team more generally because other opportunities may become available in future.

It is an exciting time to join the North London Buddhist Centre team as it enters a new phase after paying off the mortgage last year and with Ksantikara joining as our new Chair six months ago. We have 90 mitras, about 25 engaged order members and a spacious building (in an excellent location!) with lots of potential.  

Each member of the team is supported financially so that you can live simply and give yourself fully to the altruistic project of sharing the Dharma. We set this financial support in line with the London Living Wage, currently £23,933 p.a. pro rata. Another important aspect of working for the centre is a commitment to going away on regular retreats, so we offer eight weeks of annual leave and a £1800 retreat allowance to support this.

If you’re interested in working at the North London Buddhist Centre, then get in touch to start an informal chat by sending Ksantikara an email on with a short introduction to yourself (including your connection with Triratna) and a brief note about why you’d like to work at the NLBC. 

For the centre manager role, initial expressions of interest are requested before the 3rd of September 2024. 

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Sangha As a Path to Enlightenment
Engagingly, sometimes hilariously, Ksantikara relates the story of Meghiya, assailed by distractions when meditating in his favourite mango grove. The Buddha explains to Meghiya five practices that conduce to 'the heart's release', all based in spiritual friendship, but taking you as far as awakening. Keynote talk at the North London Buddhist Centre Saturday class by our new chair, 10 February 2024.
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Are interested in Joining a mens community in London?

Aryakaruna is a mens community  in a large lovely house near to Clissold park in North London. We are looking for a mitra or GFR mitra to join us. There are two order members and a GFR mitra as a good basis for sangha in the house . We are a practice based and 'training' community with a stress on having a regular meditation practice and involvement with Triratna.

To express an interest please email Reuben on

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An anniversary and a fundraiser

In 2003, the North London Buddhist Centre opened in its current location on Holloway Road in London.  Since then, we have developed a wonderful practice community here with lots of people benefitting from a space to develop life-changing skills through Buddhist teachings. We recently estimated that there are 11,000 individual visits in a year to our building for meditation, Buddhism and yoga.

This year, we are celebrating 20 years here and our aim for our anniversary is to own this special building, without the burden of a hefty mortgage. £75,000 would pay it off, saving outgoings of £5000 per month. Chair Ratnaprabha says: ‘The pandemic hit our income hard, but we want to continue offering low-cost and free classes to all who need them, and facilities to all who feel connected to the Buddhist community.’ One of these people is Remi, who has been coming along for several years: “The North London Buddhist Centre is for me a refuge from the intensity of modern life. A beautiful place, where I can meet people with similar values and interests, where I can grow my practice and have the support to become a better human. I love volunteering here to help give people the same precious experience I had the first time I came along.”. 

Find out more by visiting our gofundme page:

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Alana Terry
Alana Terry

Are you dynamic? Versatile? A team player? Wanting to work in Team Based Right Livelihood?

The North London Buddhist Centre is looking for two Triratna Order Members or Mitras to join our small, friendly and dedicated Centre Team, helping the Three Jewels to flourish and grow in North London.

This an excellent opportunity to integrate your work with your practice in a supportive context. We are looking for people who are keen to work for the movement, who value being part of a team and are interesting in developing spiritual friendship within the team and the wider Sangha at NLBC.

We are recruiting to two different roles, both of which require flexibility, initiative, strong organisational skills and a good standard of IT proficiency. 

1) Centre Team Member - involved in supporting various aspects of the running the Centre, including reception, volunteers, cleaning, maintenance, online enquiries, website updates.

In addition to the above duties, there is the possibility of taking on an area(s) of specific responsibility, such as Fundraising, Yoga Studio management and development.

2) Centre Team Administrator including finance related tasks such as bookkeeping, payroll. Good working knowledge of Excel spreadsheets desirable. Training will be provided as required. This role will also involve some support of the day to day running of the Centre. There is potential for this role to involve home-working.

  • 21-28 hours a week (negotiable) 
  • £19,747 pro-rata (based on £10.85 hourly rate)
  • retreat allowance of £1800 pro-rata
  • generous 8 weeks paid leave per year 
  • 12 month initial contract

For more information and an application form, email Alana, Centre Manager, at  Deadline for applications: please note revised date -Sunday 30th January.

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Alana Terry
Alana Terry

Are you a dynamic and versatile team player interested in working in a Team Based Right Livelihood?

The North London Buddhist Centre is looking for a Triratna Order Member or Mitra to join our Centre Team.

This is an opportunity to be involved in helping the Three Jewels to flourish and grow in North London as part of our small, friendly and dedicated team.

We are looking for someone with flexibility, initiative, strong organisational skills and good attention to detail. As we are a small team the job involves help with all aspects of running the Centre.

You may be able to join one of our communities in North London.

●     3-5 days a week (negotiable).
●     £19,747 plus £1,800 retreat allowance pro-rata
●     8 weeks leave per year pro-rata. 

Closing date for applications is Sunday 6th June. Interview Date: Tuesday 15th June

For more information please email Alana, Centre Manager, at

If you know of someone who might be interested in this post, please do forward this to them.

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On this online retreat we’ll explore how to foster the Bodhisattva spirit within our own hearts as we respond to life’s ups and downs, inspired by the Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha. Seeking to keep the heart open to both joy and sorrow, we'll be marking the anniversary of Sangharakshita's death and celebrating Samhain, the ancient Celtic festival which marks the beginning of winter.

Suitable for regulars and people who have some experience of meditation and Buddhism. Not recommended for newcomers. See below to book.

The retreat will start at on Sat 31 Oct and end around 9pm on Sun 1 Nov. 

The daily programme will be: 8 - 9am Morning meditation, 10.30 - 12.30 Morning session  4.30 -  6.00 Afternoon session, 7.30 - 9.00 Evening session.

Book here.

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This Sunday, October 25, 2:00 PM  5:00 PM

As part of our North London Buddhist Centre autumn theme of ‘Solidarity with Self and World’ do join Nandaraja for this Guest Workshop on meditation. You will be introduced to a set of 4 core meditations that inspire and nourish specifically through helping us to nurture our positivity, helping it to flourish and grow. These are the Brahma Viharas or Divine Abodes. Nandaraja is passionate about meditation and has been practising for many years. He has a strong affinity for the Brahma Viharas and so his title for today is ‘Gratitude and Acceptance: an Introduction to the Brahma Viharas’.

Book here.

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Become One Person, Become No Person - Perfect Samadhi
Budcast talk, Saturday 8 August 2020. Nandaraja explains how Perfect Samadhi (meditation, or better, unification of mind) completes the Buddha's 8-fold Path. "Samadhi is a higher state of consciousness that is not fettered by concepts, ideas or language. All the previous seven limbs of the Eightfold Path come together, and Perfect Samadhi is both supported by and supports them, integrating them into a holistic system of interconnectedness that dissolves clinging and yields a renunciation of the roots of suffering."
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Become One Person, Become No Person - Perfect Samadhi
Budcast talk, Saturday 8 August 2020. Nandaraja explains how Perfect Samadhi (meditation, or better, unification of mind) completes the Buddha's 8-fold Path. "Samadhi is a higher state of consciousness that is not fettered by concepts, ideas or language. All the previous seven limbs of the Eightfold Path come together, and Perfect Samadhi is both supported by and supports them, integrating them into a holistic system of interconnectedness that dissolves clinging and yields a renunciation of the roots of suffering."
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
This Precious Opportunity
The first of a series on the 4 reminders, given live at the North London Buddhist Centre, 12 Sept 2020. 1. Our life as a human being is a precious opportunity. 2. Everything changes, and death is inevitable, so don’t lose your opportunities. 3. You do make a difference, the way you live and act now will change the future for yourself and for the world. 4. Ordinary habitual or self-centred life is a trial for everyone, so live a meaningful life, take your opportunities, make a difference! Everyone can liberate themselves. What is so special about human awareness, and what particular advantages make it 'precious'? Ratnaprabha shows how we can see the huge value of what life is offering right now, and take this opportunity to commit to practice.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
This Precious Opportunity
The first of a series on the 4 reminders, given live at the North London Buddhist Centre, 12 Sept 2020. 1. Our life as a human being is a precious opportunity. 2. Everything changes, and death is inevitable, so don’t lose your opportunities. 3. You do make a difference, the way you live and act now will change the future for yourself and for the world. 4. Ordinary habitual or self-centred life is a trial for everyone, so live a meaningful life, take your opportunities, make a difference! Everyone can liberate themselves. What is so special about human awareness, and what particular advantages make it 'precious'? Ratnaprabha shows how we can see the huge value of what life is offering right now, and take this opportunity to commit to practice.
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Monthly NLBC Women's Class, in the park

Saturday 8 August 14:00 - 15:30

Coming together in 'real' life for the first time in months! A socially distant gathering in Highbury Fields, close to the NLBC, near the end of Fieldway Crescent. Brief led movement or activities and time to connect with each other. Please bring your own drink, clothing for British summer weather, and something to sit on.

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Become One Person, Become No Person

North London Buddhist Centre Budcast talk, 11:30, Saturday 8 August.

Nandaraja (pictured) will explain how Perfect Samadhi (meditation, or better, unification of mind) completes the Buddha's 8-fold Path.

He writes: "Samadhi is a higher state of consciousness that is not fettered by concepts, ideas or language. All the previous seven limbs of the Eightfold Path come together, and Perfect Samadhi is both supported by and supports them, integrating them into a holistic system of interconnectedness that dissolves clinging and yields a renunciation of the roots of suffering."

Join the Zoom session here (follows the usual 10:30 open meditation on the same zoom link), or watch on YouTube live by going here at 11:30. You can see past talks there too, or for audio, check Soundcloud here.

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Lammas festival at NLBC Sangha Night

19:00, 3 August 

Marking the mid-point between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox, Lammas is a time for gathering in and giving thanks for abundance. The word 'Lammas' is derived from 'loaf mass', and indicates how central and honoured is the first loaf from the first harvested grain.

Our puja, led by Lalitaraja, will celebrate the mythic Buddha Ratnasambhava, who is associated with generosity and abundance.  If you wish, bring props for our ritual: a broom, mint, green and/or gold ribbon, fresh baked bread.

Zoom link here for every week.  Sangha night is Mondays at 19:00. All are welcome; suggested donation £10. Please donate here.

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Full Moon Puja to Amitabha

Friday 31 July, 19:30-21:30,
Anandavajra is leading a Sevenfold Puja dedicated to the red Buddha of the West and of compassion. Puja: Buddhist devotional verses and mantras, all are welcome to participate or just watch. Meditation too. Zoom link here.

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The Buddha’s begging bowl with Dhammamegha

Women's class with the North London Centre

This Saturday, 11 July, 14:00-15:30
The Buddha’s begging bowl. 
Join Zoom Meeting here.
A talk by Dhammamegha on the theme of ‘holding to nothing whatever’, with meditation, discussion and ritual. All women are welcome.
Suggested donation £10. Donate via PayPal here.

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This Saturday, 11 July online with the North London Buddhist Centre.

10:30 Meditation.
11:30 Live Budcast Talk with Vajramitra on perfect mindfulness, suitable for all levels:  "Mindfulness seems to be mentioned everywhere, both in the Buddha’s teaching and in the secular world we live in today. Although central to who we are, being aware and fully participating in our life often might seem like a distant ideal. How do we fully engage in each moment of our life? What is Buddhist Mindfulness  and why is it central to the Buddhist way?"

This is July's Saturday morning Budcast talk and podcast: it will be both live and recorded on our YouTube channel, or join the Zoom session here to participate in the discussion afterwards. All welcome.

And join us for a meditation before the talk using the same Zoom link. Please arrive for this from 10:15 for a prompt 10:30 start, or at 11:30 for the talk.

Suggested donation £5 or more. Donate via PayPal here.

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Dharma Day Festival, join North London

Through the day this Sunday, 12 July, online.
Marking the anniversary of the Buddha's first ever teachings (Dharma) soon after his awakening. 
“The world is made of stories. Good stories are hard to come by, and a good story you can honestly call your own is an incredible gift. The stories are part of a bigger story that connects us all.” (Gary Snyder) Can you discover Buddhism through stories, or do you need facts?

10:30    Ratnaprabha hosts from the Buddhist Centre shrine room.
10:45    Talk by Ratnaprabha on the Dharma Day story. Are stories ever true? Can they be a basis for a life that will change the world?
12:00-12:45    Meditation with Maitrisambhava
14:00    Dharma readings from the ancient Buddhist texts, with Santva.
15:00    Meditation with Kusala and tea break.
16:00-17:00    Ritual/puja with Lalitaraja.

Join Zoom Meeting here at any of the above times.

Or join the LIVE stream of the day on our North London Buddhist Centre YouTube channel. Check it out here at the time, or look at the recordings later.

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Tuesdays, 19:00-21:00, with Visuddhimati, Zoom link here.

This is an ideal class to experience an in-depth taster of meditation or to deepen your existing meditation practice. Visuddhimati of the North London Buddhist Centre has decades of meditation experience. 

How can you develop even more kindly awareness in meditation, meeting life’s challenges with resilience? Awareness coupled with kindness can bring about a radical and mysterious transformation in our everyday experience. 

The evening will include led meditations with opportunities for discussion and questions. Suitable for all levels of experience. 

You are welcome to come every week but each class is also stand-alone so feel free to drop in any week. Donate here, please.

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