Triratna in the Buddhist World
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Thich Nhat Hanh: a letter of gratitude from Plum Village

We reported on Sunday the death of Thich Nhat Hanh, founder of the worldwide Plum Village Tradition, at the age of 95.

As Triratna's Liaison officer, responsible for our co-operation with other Buddhist traditions I wrote to offer our condolences. I received the following letter of gratitude, including a invitation to us all to join the funeral and cremation ceremony online on Saturday 29 January (not just teachers).

"Most Respected Teacher(s),

It is an honor for us to receive your moving condolences for the loss of our teacher, Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh, and your encouraging words in this solemn moment. We would like to express our deep gratitude for your spiritual support.

Thầy (Thích Nhất Hạnh) has been a teacher and guiding light for so many of us, and his transition is a great loss to us all. At this time, we feel embraced by both the strength and preciousness of the global Buddhist Mahasangha. We are so grateful to know you are there - part of our extended spiritual family.

As the Plum Village community endeavors to continue Thầy’s legacy in the years ahead, it is heartening to know that we can take refuge in your wisdom and experience.
We would also like to formally invite you to participate, online, in our teacher’s Funeral and Cremation Ceremony on Saturday 29 January. It would be a great honor for us to receive your spiritual support.

06:00 Farewell Ceremony & Procession
09:00 Cremation & Commemoration
15:30 Closing Ceremony from Plum Village, France

All times indicated in GMT+7 / Vietnam

The up to date and full details of the Funeral Program are here:

and we would be honored to have your presence online at any time.

On behalf of the Dharma Teacher Council International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism, we offer a deep bow of gratitude.

Bhikshu Thích Chân Pháp Ấn

Bhikshuni Thích Nữ Chân Không