Ipswich Buddhist Centre
Ipswich Buddhist Centre
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Kung Fu & Meditation Day - 10th June 2018

This day event is the first of its kind that we have held at the Buddhist Centre. It will be a day of complete mindfulness, working on both our body and our minds.

Matt Robbins of Evergreen Hall Self Defence will be introducing us to Traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu which he has been successfully teaching at the Buddhist Centre for the past 15 years. Kung-Fu has a long association with Buddhism, with its roots in the Buddhist monasteries of ancient China. We will also be having periods of meditation throughout the day led by Bodhivamsa, one of our most experienced meditation teachers.

No prior knowledge of martial arts or any specific level of fitness is required. All the meditation practices on the day are suitable for beginners, with full instruction given.

The day will run on 10th June 2018 from 10am until 5pm and the cost of the day is £20 (+Conc).

Please bring vegetarian food to share for lunch.

Booking will be available on Eventbrite . Please contact Bodhivamsa for more details.

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Silent Auction Fundraiser

As part of the fundraising campaign for the Sangha Room refurbishment, we will be running a Silent Auction for a range of items including rupas, offering bowls, pictures and more!

All items will be added to our Facebook gallery here: http://bit.ly/IBCSilentAuction and to the gallery on this page.

To make a bid, simply complete a slip at the centre, or fill out the form at http://bit.ly/ShrineStuffSale before Buddha Day (3rd June 2018). After Buddha Day, the highest bidder will be identified and contacted to pay and collect their items.

Remember, if you are the winning bidder you will need to pay for the item in the first week of June (cash or PayPal), and arrange to collect soon thereafter!

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India Night with Nick & Irene

Join us for a curry and presentation evening about our recent pilgrimage to India and to raise funds for the Sangha room refurbishment.

Saturday, 9th June from 6.30-10pm at Ipswich Buddhist Centre.

Suggested donation £8

Vegetarian curry provided, please let us know you are coming for catering purposes; either by putting your name on the list in the Sangha kitchen, directly to Nick or Irene, or via email to nickggreen@yahoo.co.uk - we look forward to seeing you.

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A Women's Day with Parami

Open to all women of the Triratna Buddhist Community sangha.

A fantastic opportunity to spend the day with Parami, public preceptor and a very experienced order member.

Join us at Ipswich Buddhist Centre from 10am-4pm on Sunday, 22nd April.

Places are limited so early booking advised - you can book online via Eventbrite here.

Please bring a veggie lunch to share if you are able.

If the cost of the ticket is a difficulty please contact us before booking your space by emailing enquiries@ipswichbuddhistcentre.org.uk

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Open Day - 30th September

Interested in finding out more about meditation and Buddhism? Would you like to look around our centre, have a go at meditation, or simply just grab a cup of tea and have a chat?

Come along to our open day on Saturday, 30th September between 10am-4pm.
We will shortly be posting a rough outline of different drop-in sessions we will be running during the day.

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Mahaparibbana Sutta - Sangha Night Series

We will be kicking off a four-week series on the Mahaparinibbana Sutta next week -  http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/dn/dn.16.1-6.vaji.html (alternate translation available via the link below the title)..

The series will look in turn at four areas of the sutta:

  • 21st January - The Buddha's advice that the sangha should meet in "Regular and frequent assemblies"
  • 28th January - The Buddha's suggestion that Dharma practitioners should be "Islands unto yourselves"
  • 4th February - Ananda's lamentation on the Buddha's imminent passing - "He who is so kind"
  • 11th February - The Buddha's final words - "With mindfulness, strive on"

The series will culminate in the Parinirvana Day festival, on Sunday, 14th February from 10am-4pm.

Sangha Night is for those interested in taking their interest in Buddhism a bit deeper. Normally you would have been along to Newcomers Night for a period or completed a Part 1/2 Course. Message us on Facebook or ask any Order Member in person if you would like to know more.

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The first in our series of Sangha nights on Padmasambhava will be exploring Padmasambhava and the imagery of the Lotus.

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Padmasambhava puja - Sangha night

The next Sangha Night series will be on Padmasambahva.  We kicked off with a Puja, and the next weeks will feature various talks:

  • 2nd July - Introducing Padmasambhava and the Lotus
  • 9th July - The Vajra - The significance of the diamond thunderbolt
  • 16th July - Welcoming Sanghajata back from her Ordination retreat in Spain
  • 23rd July - The Yogi/Yogini - Buddhism as an unconventional path
  • 30th July - Overcoming the demons - The building of the Samye monastery

Sangha Night is for those interested in taking their interest in Buddhism a bit deeper. Normally you would have been along to Newcomers Night for a period or completed a Part 1/2 Course. Contact us via the website or speak to any Order Member in person if you would like to know more.

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Buddhist Action Month in Ipswich

The Young Buddhists' Group are organising several events in and around the Ipswich Buddhist Centre this June, and would love you to join them!  All money raised will be going towards the Karuna Trust charity - http://karuna.org

Friday, 5th June - Curry & Quiz Night - 7.30-10pm at Ipswich Buddhist Centre

This is an open invitation to all - if you would like to join in with the quiz please let Jemma know by emailing jemmagates26@hotmail.co.uk as there are limited spaces available.

Saturday, 6th June - Rehoming Sale - 10am-4pm at Ipswich Buddhist Centre

Do you have items you no longer need that might be useful to others?  Please drop them into the centre on Friday evening, or bring them with you on Saturday to the Rehoming Sale.  Running from 10am to 4pm at the Buddhist Centre, come and browse what has been offered - you never know, you might find a bargain!

Saturday, 6th June - Young Buddhists' Meeting 1pm-3pm at Ipswich Buddhist Centre

The regular Young Buddhists' meetup will be featuring talks and activities about bringing awareness to our spending habits - it's going to be a busy and fun day!  Open to anybody under 35.

Saturday, 13th June - Art with Ed Cooper - 10.30am-12.30pm at Ipswich Museum

Meet at Ipswich Museum and embrace your inner artist!  Bring sketch books and anything you want to use (preferably pencils) to sketch all the wonderful things to see in the Ipswich Museum.  A great opportunity to be creative!

Sunday, 14th June - Dog walk with Jamie (dogs not essential!) - 10am onwards at the Bridge Wood Car Park in Orwell Country Park

Come and enjoy the Suffolk countryside from 10am onwards - dogs not essential to join in!

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During the most recent Women's Sangha Morning at Ipswich Buddhist Centre, I gave a short personal presentation on my connection with Prajnaparamita which I recorded on my tablet and uploaded to Soundcloud - it's just a bit of a ramble around the symbology, a bit about the history, and how I came to meet Prajnaparamita.

Afterwards, we split into groups and we looked at the three questions that are featured at the end of the slide deck:

  1. What does the perfection of wisdom look like to you?  Is it achievable?
  2. What is the significance of Prajnaparamita's form being millions of tiny Buddhas?
  3. How do you personally access wisdom?  Study? Nature? Aesthetics? Reflection? ...

The slides are online here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pzkdp9m6ym8yt4d/Meeting%20Prajnaparamita.pdf

It was a really good day in the series of Women's Sangha Mornings where women are speaking about their personal experiences with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

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Delivered by the award winning author of Eight Step Recovery - Using The Buddha's Teachings to overcome addiction Valerie Mason-John, this course will be held at the Ipswich Buddhist Centre on Sat 11th, Sun 12th & Mon 13th July 2015 between 10am and 5pm.

The training is for experienced meditation practitioners, people with an understanding of
mindfulness, and health care providers working in the field of addiction in its broadest definition.

Group skills and teaching skills preferred but not an absolute requirement.

Location: Ipswich Buddhist Centre, 4 Friars Bridge Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 1RR

£500 full cost or £350 student/low income concessions

For more information and to book, please visit: www.ipswichbuddhistcentre.org.uk/mbar.html

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Ipswich Buddhist Centre celebrates Buddha Day

Ipswich Buddhist Centre celebrated Buddha Day with a day of activities organised in the town's Christchurch Park. 

The Reg Driver Visitors Centre hosted the event, to celebrate the day on which, over 2,500 years ago, the Buddha gained enlightenment.

There was a good turnout from the sangha, with a beautiful shine which included rupas from many of the sangha members.

For photos please check out the local newspaper's website: http://www.ipswichstar.co.uk/news/gallery_ipswich_buddhists_mark_enlightenment_day_1_4059553

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Opening of the new Ipswich Buddhist Centre
ipswich has a new Buddhist centre....
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Ipswich Buddhist Centre's opening Dedication Ceremony
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Sangharakshita visits the Ipswich Buddhist Centre, 17th June 2010
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Beneficial Activity - A talk by Devamitra
Devamitra explores beneficial activity, the third of the samgraha vastus, from the point of view of inspiring others.
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