The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
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Welcome to The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
The Triratna International Retreat for 2012 has now come to an end. But don't worry! The spirit of the event lives on here... Let's keep it going!

This space will now serve both as an archive for all who took part, and also as a new space for everyone in the worldwide Triratna Sangha to follow up and engage with the theme.

How do you “imagine the Buddha”?
Re-live news and major events from the retreat by following us here -- and take part in our ongoing practice space in the ‘Imagine the Buddha’ group. Upload your pictures and video of the event, write your reflections on the time you spent at Taraloka or taking part online. You'll get a real flavour of the retreat itself, and you can listen to the talks, see who else is taking part, and contribute comments on anything you see here. We also have a group specially for parents to connect with one another.

Click here to review details of the retreat programme. Check out the International Retreat 2014!