Vanna gandha gunopetam,
Etam kusum santati,
Pujayami Munindassa
Siripada saroruhe.
Pujemi Buddham
Kusumen nena
Punnena metena labhami mokham
Puppham milayati
Yatha Idam me
Kayo tathayati vinasa bhavam
Ghanasarappa ditena
Dipena tamadhansina
Tiloka dipam sambuddham
Pujayami tamonudam.
Sugandhi kaya vadanam
Ananta guna gandhina
Sugandhi naham gandhena
Pujayami Tathagatam
Buddham Dhammam cha Sangham
Sugata tanubhava
Dhatavo dhatu gabbhe
Lankayam Jambudipe
Tidasa puravare
Naga loke cha thupe
Sabbe Buddhassa bimbe
Sakala dasa dise
Kesa lomadi dhatu vande
Sabbe pi Buddham
Dasabala tanujam
Bodhi chetiyam namami
Vandami chetiyam sabbam
Sabba thane su patitthitam
Saririka dhatu Mahabodhi
Buddha rupam sakalam sada
and in English -
This spread of flowers, fresh-hued and fragrant,
I offer at the sacred lotus Feet of the Noble Sage.
With flowers in great variety, the Buddha I adore
And by this merit may I gain release.
Even as these flowers must fade,
my body too will pass away.
With lights brightly shining, dispelling the gloom,
I honour the Fully-Awakened, that Light of the Triple World,
Who dispels the gloom (of ignorance).
Perfumed with infinite qualities, the Tathagatha,
fragrant of face and form, I revere with incense,
sweet and penetrating.
To the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha,
in the relics of His body,
enshrined at Lanka, Jambudvipa, Nagaloka
and the Heaven of the Thirty(-three) - in stupas there:
I give honour.
To all the images of Buddha, in all ten directions,
to even hairs and other relics, I give honour.
To the Ten Powers of the Buddha,
to the Cairn of Bodhi, I give honour.
Greetings every stupa, that may stand in any place,
The relics, the Great Bodhi, and Buddha forms everywhere!