European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly
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Welcome to European Chairs' Assembly

Triratna’s European Chairs' Assembly is an important element in the organisation of the worldwide Triratna Buddhist Community. It comprises around 60 men and women, all members of the Order and Chairs of Triratna’s major European Buddhist Centres and projects, who meet together twice a year for practice, business, and develop their friendships. Its overall mission is to help as many people as possible to Go for Refuge to the Three Jewels on the basis of the practices and principles of the Dharma as elucidated by Sangharakshita.

Out of this it has formulated three primary aims:

1: To be a network of support and friendship for Triratna Chairs and Directors.
2: To promote the unity of the Triratna Buddhist Community in Europe – and beyond.
3: To create a vibrant and effective Triratna Buddhist Community in Europe – and beyond.

Click here to read more about our aims - or the tabs above for latest news, including reports of recent meetings.