European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly
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Racial Diversity Co-ordinator(s)
One full-time position or two part-time

The European Chairs Assembly (ECA) is committed to increasing access to the Three Jewels as shared within the Triratna Buddhist community. As part of this, since 2022, the ECA has been co-ordinating the Racial Diversity Project to develop activities to increase racial diversity within UK and European Centres and groups. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the existing efforts already taking place within Triratna centres. 

The Racial Diversity Coordinator(s) will be part of the ECA’s Development Team, and will be managed by the Team’s Director.

The Racial Diversity Coordinator(s) will also be supported and guided by the ECA’s Racial Diversity Steering Group, which takes strategic responsibility for the ECA’s work to promote the conditions in which racial diversity can flourish. 

If two part time persons are hired as Co-ordinators, we envisage that one Coordinator would have a particular remit to support the London region, and the other Coordinator would have a particular remit to support the regions outside London. Both would support the bigger strategic events including a European reach. 

Key Responsibilities

  • Sangha building for people of colour (PoC) in Triratna Centres across the UK and mainland Europe
  • supporting and participating in strategic events open to PoC across the UK, mainland Europe and beyond
  • supporting the growth and development of PoC groups/hubs
  • supporting Centres to publicise and promote events: avoiding unnecessary clashes, maintaining a good online and social media presence, sending out a regular newsletter; sharing information with Chairs via the ECA
  • being in dialogue with Chairs seeking to increase the racial diversity of their Sanghas
  • signposting Centres and Chairs towards racial awareness training
  • supporting the Racial Diversity Steering Group with other initiatives

Suitability and Characteristics

The successful candidate(s) will:

  • be a member of the Order or a Mitra actively engaged in their training for ordination within the Triratna Buddhist Community
  • have strong project management skills able to plan, organise and run events, meetings and gatherings
  • be competent with IT and have knowledge / capacity to learn the key communication tools used by the community
  • be able to present ideas in a coherent and engaging way verbally as well as produce clear and succinct reports
  • will have a strong awareness of racism and its impact on community life, have lived experience of facing and tackling racism in community and public life and be able to negotiate comfortably in the issues involved in promoting racial diversity
  • be passionate about widening access and inclusion across Triratna

Work location and hours of work

The role, which requires working mostly from home, is offered either as one full time position of 35 hours per week, or two part-time positions which together total up to 35 hours per week. 


Our principle is to provide a level of support which offers a simple, dignified standard of living  supportive of Buddhist practice. 

In the UK, the level of financial support is set by the independent Living Wage Foundation, which is linked to the cost of living. For 2024, this is £12.00ph outside of London, and £13.15ph within London. For applicants from other European countries, an alternative support rate providing the equivalent standard of living will be offered.

In addition to base support, we also provide 40 days paid leave per year (pro-rata, and including bank holidays), a generous retreat allowance, and 4% employer pension contributions.

The role is financially supported until December 2025.

If you have any questions, please email: Saravantu at or Suryagupta at Please copy both into your message as each can cover different time periods while the application process is open.

Application and Timeline

To apply, please complete and return the brief application form (see below) to

Closing date for applications is midday 8th August 2024

Online interviews will take place in the morning of the 12th August.

Start date negotiable, but would ideally be as soon as possible.