West London Buddhist Centre
West London Buddhist Centre
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Day of the Dead Celebration and Overnight Bardo Immersion

A fundraiser for the West London Buddhist Centre

7-11pm 1 November
11pm - 7am 1/2 November

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of human consciousness is awareness and acceptance of death: our own, of those close to us and those further away. Thousands of deaths are occurring in the collective in different parts of the globe in this very moment that you are reading this. And yet it is precisely this sense of preservation that separates us from the fullness of life experience, the freedom, liberation and fullness of awakening we all yearn for and which can drive spiritual aspiration.

To embrace this reality, and to mark the traditional Mexican Day of the Dead, you are invited to gather with other like-hearted seekers in honour and celebrate your ancestors, your deceased loved ones and yourself, in acknowledgment of the beauty and wonder of this extraordinary life experience that we share.

Day of the Dead Celebration (7-11pm)
You are invited to bring photographs and/or objects that used to belong to them to adorn our collective shrine. Most importantly, please bring beautiful memories and personal stories connected to their lives, be they tender, joyful or challenging, to add to a collective ritual and help create sacred space for personal reflection.

Overnight Bardo Immersion (11pm-7am)
A unique opportunity to collectively be with some key aspects of the transition into other realms, of the passage between death and possible rebirth, known by the original meaning of the term bardo.

Led by Alobhin.
Support will be provided during and after the event.

Read more here. Book here.