West London Buddhist Centre
West London Buddhist Centre
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With Bliss Bestowing Hands: Online Retreat

This online retreat will begin at 7pm on Sunday 26 September 7pm and finish at 5.30pm on Saturday 2 October. Led by Paramananda and Bodhilila. 

‘Looking after oneself, one looks after others; looking after others, one looks after oneself’ – the Buddha

About this online retreat

The Buddha often said that he meditated out of compassion for all living beings (not just for enjoyment or for personal and spiritual development as many of us may do). In the zen tradition the aim of practice is to equip us to work effectively within the world. We find ourselves in a world beset with seemingly overwhelming problems. It seems that meditating for our own psychological well-being is not adequate to the difficulties we all face.

On this retreat we will view practice from the perspective of making an effective contribution to the world by facing up to the situation we find ourselves in and then responding with compassion. How we can be engaged in the world without becoming depressed, over anxious or overwhelmed? How might we live a meaningful life in these demanding times? Through developing equanimity, rooted in a growing alignment with reality and awareness of the way things really are. Can we become like Green Tara and use our meditation practice to cultivate wisdom and compassion so that we can step out into the world and reach out a helping hand?


Start of the retreat on Sunday at 19.00 (1.5 hours)
There after the same schedule of:
Session 1: 8 am – 9 am (UK time)
Session 2: 10.30 – 12.30 am
Session 3: 4 pm – 5.30 pm

Booking and financial support

Booking via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/with-bliss-bestowing-hands-online-retreat-tickets-171350242187

The non-refundable booking fee for this retreat is £50, with a suggestion for additional voluntary donation of £100 (if you wish or are in a position to give this).

We still want to make our events available to everyone who wants to attend so please contact the centre and ask for a bursary if you want to attend but can’t manage the booking fee: info@westlondonbuddhistcentre.com