Dreams are for many an overlooked aspect of ourselves. Today’s culture rarely encourages us to give them much attention. However, Buddhism sees dreams as offering an opportunity for spiritual growth and even a path to Enlightenment.
The central theme of this workshop will be to reconnect us with our dream lives and through this, reconnect us with a very essential part of ourselves. Just to start to be able to recall our dreams connects us with deeper energy and broadens our awareness of ourselves to something beyond the ordinary and mundane.
Among other things, we will look at:
- Practical ways we can develop a rich dreamlife
- What the Buddhist tradition has to say about dreams
- The benefits of bringing mindfulness and loving kindness into our dreams
- And how all this can benefit us during the waking state too
Your guide
Arthabandhu has been practicing Buddhism for more than 20 years and has explored dreaming for a similar length of time. An ordained member of the Triratna Buddhist Order, he has explored Lucid Dreaming and Buddhist Dream Yoga as well as studying other approaches to dreams, including their application in Gestalt Psychotherapy.
During these years of exploring his dreams, he has kept detailed dream diaries, including illustrations, which he has now made into a zine (click here) using these images and extracts from his diaries.
Book here.