Welcome to Triratna@50

Click + follow above for regular updates throughout the year from Triratna@50

On the weekend of the 8th and 9th of April 2017 we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Triratna Buddhist Community. While this is a very significant date, we also see it as the start of a great year-long project, where we can collectively share the best of Triratna. 

The team at the The Buddhist Centre Online will be working with others around the world to mark the opening weekend of celebrations – and then through the year to highlight the best of what goes on at big Triratna festivals, gatherings, retreats, and on the web.

We'll also be featuring coverage year-round of Dharma happenings at local Triratna Centres, Groups and Projects internationally - all of which make up such an important part of our community. 

Get involved!
Find out how to blog - and get a blog space for your Centre, Project or Group: support@thebuddhistcentre.com 

We can help you get started with simple media production, with writing, with podcasting, with web posting, with ideas!

By April 2018, we hope to have a really inspiring archive of what we together offer the world – and perhaps a flavour of what we can offer for the next 50 years…

If you have any other questions, please get in touch and we’ll be delighted to help: mokshini@triratnadevelopment.org or support@thebuddhistcentre.com