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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Buddha's Social Revolution

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 5 Jun, 2021 - 06:00

In the first weeks after his Enlightenment, the Buddha stayed alone near the Bodhi tree, assimilating his profound discovery and enjoying its bliss. But from the first moment he encountered another human being, the force of his compassion led him to revolt against the social hierarchies of his day. In this impassioned talk at the London Buddhist Centre’s 2021 Buddha Day celebrations, Subhuti explores the nature of social conditioning. In doing so, he calls for...

Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World

Vesakh Greetings from the Vatican

By Munisha on Tue, 1 Jun, 2021 - 13:14

Vesakh Greetings from the Vatican

By Munisha on Tue, 1 Jun, 2021 - 13:14

The Catholic Church’s Pontifical Council For Interreligious Dialogue recently published its annual message for the feast of Vesakh, headed
‘Buddhists and Christians: Promoting a Culture of Care and Solidarity’.

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Buddha Day tomorrow (10 May): changed programme

By Ratnaprabha on Sat, 9 May, 2020 - 20:39

Buddha Day tomorrow (10 May): changed programme

By Ratnaprabha on Sat, 9 May, 2020 - 20:39

Buddha Day this Sunday, 10 May

Zoom link for all Buddha Day sessions here.

This is the big festival of the year, celebrating the Buddha’s awakening under the Bodhi Tree on the full moon day of May. Ratnaprabha will be in the centre shrine-room to host the festival sessions.
10:30 -12 midday, Slideshow by Ratnaprabha on the Buddha’s visitors under the Bodhi tree, Mythic Beings at the Buddha’s Awakening, also on YouTube Live, followed by questions and meditation.

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

The Buddha and the King of the Nagas – Countdown to #buddhaday – 2 days to go...

By akasajoti on Thu, 7 May, 2020 - 11:23

The Buddha and the King of the Nagas – Countdown to #buddhaday – 2 days to go...

By akasajoti on Thu, 7 May, 2020 - 11:23

As a special treat for you as we countdown to #buddhaday we are releasing a series of dharma reflections and evocations of the Buddha over the week…⠀

For our Triratna international Buddha Day celebration, on the occasion of the full Moon day itself, Padmavajra introduces us to the story of the Buddha and the Naga King, Mucalinda. With characteristic resonant depth, Padmavajra evokes the meaning and significance of the Buddha’s Enlightenment, and his subsequent encounter with Mucalinda.

He then...

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Buddha Day Festival

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 30 Apr, 2020 - 12:20

Buddha Day Festival

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 30 Apr, 2020 - 12:20

Sunday 10 May, Zoom link for all sessions here.

Come together online with the North London Sangha to celebrate the very start of Buddhism, the Buddha’s awakening under the Bodhi Tree on the full moon day of May.
10:30 -12 midday, a workshop on anapanasati (breath mindfulness) with Singhashri.
14:00-15:00, Slideshow by Ratnaprabha on the Buddha’s visitors under the Bodhi tree, also on YouTube Live.
16:00 -16:30, Buddha Day readings organised by Santva

Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World

Vatican greetings for Buddha Day/Wesak 2020

By Munisha on Thu, 23 Apr, 2020 - 12:50

Here is this year’s greeting to Buddhists worldwide from the Vatican.


Message for the Feast of Vesakh/Hanamatsuri 2020
2 April 2020
Buddhists and Christians: 
Constructing a Culture of Compassion and Fraternity

Dear Buddhists Friends,

1. On behalf of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, we extend our heartfelt greetings and good wishes to you and to all Buddhist communities...
