Abhayaratna Trust
Abhayaratna Trust

'Standing shoulder to shoulder with one another' - an appeal from Vessantara

By The Abhayaratna... on Tue, 26 Apr, 2016 - 08:04

'Standing shoulder to shoulder with one another' - an appeal from Vessantara

By The Abhayaratna... on Tue, 26 Apr, 2016 - 08:04

‘The whole sense that Sangharakshita gave me of the Order was of something through which we were deeply involved with one another’s lives, were really standing shoulder to shoulder with one another, caring for one another not just spiritually but on all levels, and that’s really stayed with me. That spirit is still alive in the Order today, and I feel that The Abhayaratna Trust is one way we can really express it.’


Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Conditionality & Meditation with Vessantara, part 2

By jvalamalini on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 23:24

Conditionality & Meditation with Vessantara, part 2

By jvalamalini on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 23:24Vessantara talks at the Bristol Buddhist Centre about engaging with the concept of conditionality - part 2

Conditionality is a central theme of the Buddha’s teaching, and it is very helpful to bring our understanding of it into the arena of our meditation practice. During this evening we look at how to set up good conditions for our meditation to unfold in a natural, expansive way. We also explore how to meditate on conditionality, so that we take our...
Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Conditionality & Meditation with Vessantara, part 1

By jvalamalini on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 08:10

Conditionality & Meditation with Vessantara, part 1

By jvalamalini on Wed, 8 Aug, 2012 - 08:10Vessantara talks at the Bristol Buddhist Centre about engaging with the concept of conditionality. Conditionality is a central theme of the Buddha’s teaching, and it is very helpful to bring our understanding of it into the arena of our meditation practice. During this evening we look at how to set up good conditions for our meditation to unfold in a natural, expansive way. We also explore how to meditate on conditionality, so that we take our understanding of it deeper,...