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Learning to grow my own food has led to a big shift in consciousness – from the detachment of living exclusively on restaurant-served or shop-bought produce to the grounding intimacy of eating home-grown fruit and veg – and helped me greatly on the path toward veganism.
In 2015 I got involved in a community garden in inner city Dublin, not far from the Dublin Buddhist Centre (DBC). At the time I was living in a first floor flat with no outside...
Lockdown rules are changing for some of us. So perhaps there’s not quite so much staying at home involved this month’s Stay at Home Sale. We have chosen a range of books to offer resources and inspiration in this transition time.
To continue the ‘For the Earth’ theme of Buddhist Action Month, we’ve got what I think is the only one of our books to be written by a vet. Bodhipaksa’s Vegetarianism: A Buddhist View, is reduced...
Suite à la publication, il y a quelques mois, de la traduction française du livre de Bodhipaksa Le végétarisme, une vue bouddhiste, j’ai récemment été interviewé par un site consacré au livres bouddhistes : vous trouverez...
French Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard, talks about vegetarianism and veganism as Buddhist practices. (He was closely associated with Sangharakshita’s teacher, the late Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche.)
By Munisha on Sat, 31 May, 2014 - 17:26Lesser consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the worst impacts of climate change, UN report says.
By Dhivan Thomas Jones on Thu, 12 Dec, 2013 - 17:36I am very pleased to announce that I’ve uploaded a new article in the Western Buddhist Review. Joe Gaziano and Jacquie Lewis are Buddhists in a vipassanā tradition in the US. Their article explores the topic of Buddhism and vegetarianism in their home country, where many Buddhists appear not to translate the Buddha’s teaching on non-harming into a commitment to a vegetarian diet. I welcome their thoughtful yet principled discussion, based on their desire to inspire fellow Buddhists to...