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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Triratna America - Dayamudra's Hall of Fame Award 2013

By Candradasa on Thu, 20 Jun, 2013 - 22:35

Triratna America - Dayamudra's Hall of Fame Award 2013

By Candradasa on Thu, 20 Jun, 2013 - 22:35As you might have heard in her delightful interview with us, Jai Bhim International’s Creative Director and Founder, Dayamudra receiving an award from her high school in the U.S. for her work with Jai Bhim International on June 9, 2013. She is introduced by her mother, Judi Dennehy…
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Triratna America - Dayamudra: Jai Bhim International

By Candradasa on Thu, 20 Jun, 2013 - 20:25
Dayamudra runs Jai Bhim International out of San Francisco, working with Dalit communities in India to escape the stigma of caste through education. This is a great interview where her natural passion for a cause that’s dear to her heart really shines through. An excellent introduction to the injustices of ‘untouchability’ in India and to how to move beyond it. Practically inspiring words from an inspired lady!

Jai Bhim’s website: http://jaibhiminternational.org

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Lokamitra - The Sangha and the Structure of Social Change

By Candradasa on Sun, 3 Mar, 2013 - 16:17
Lokamitra is the ideal person to talk about the amazing transformative influence of the Dharma on people’s lives. Its power to effect change in Indian society in seemingly intractable areas like caste offers a hopeful glimpse of the future for any Buddhist community with aspirations to embody the Buddha’s teachings on the pre-eminence of mind in shaping the world we inhabit.

Looking at both Sangharakshita’s teaching on Buddhism and ‘The New Society’ and Dr. Ambedkar’s Dhamma revolution,...