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Tag: Triratna writers

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Be Here Now by Ananda

By Satyalila on Mon, 20 Jul, 2015 - 15:44

Satyalila and Ananda reflecting on the Writers Convention - both the nurturing and wildness aspects of it. And we get to hear Ananda give a wind-blown reading of his own poem, ‘Be Here Now’.

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Writers Convention 2015 - Small Boy by Norman MacCaig

By Satyalila on Tue, 14 Jul, 2015 - 19:19

Into the last day of the writers’ gathering proper and we hear how it started - with a beautiful, typically understated piece by Norman MacCaig read by Steph, a writer herself and one of the young women who has just finished a five-month intensive Dharma course at Adhisthana

Find out more on Buddhism, Triratna and the Arts!

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Young Women Writing Their Way

By Satyalila on Tue, 14 Jul, 2015 - 13:12

Running parallel to the Writers’ Convention - and coming to an end at the same time - was a young women’s extended Dharma course, with women from around the world taking part. Here we meet Shraddhavajri and Vidyadharini from India who, along with their fellow long-term retreatants, have been using writing as another way to explore spiritual life and the meaning of the Buddha’s teaching in their own lives…

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Satyadaka on Sangharakshita's library, Richard Holmes and Samuel Johnson

By Satyalila on Mon, 13 Jul, 2015 - 18:00

After our weekend break, Satyalila is back with the latest installment from the Triratna Writers Conference. It’s unusual perhaps for a Buddhist community to place such an emphasis on the Arts as a route to spiritual inquiry - but it’s a real pleasure to listen to it happening ‘as live’! 

This conversation with Satyadaka takes place in the brand new Sangharakshita library and we hear much about one of “Bhante’s” literary heroes, Dr. Johnson, as well as the...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Two Old Codgers!

By Satyalila on Thu, 9 Jul, 2015 - 15:55

Satyalila manages to get two of the most venerable writers attending onto her podcast bench (no mean feat!)… Ananda fresh from his talk and Abhaya making the transition to poetry from painting…

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - What's It Like?

By Satyalila on Thu, 9 Jul, 2015 - 13:16

Padmabodhini in conversation with Satyalila about what it’s like (so far!) to be on a writers’ convention…

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Writers Convention 2015

By Satyalila on Tue, 7 Jul, 2015 - 02:38

The first Triratna writers convention is happening all this week during the Ledbury Poetry Festival and we’ll be hearing from some of the lyric voices taking part. Join us through the week at Adhisthana for lots of literary talk and an exploration of the connections between the Arts and spiritual life - a big part of the Triratna Buddhist path.

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