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Tag: topsy turvy views

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A Sure Sign of Ignorance (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Centre Team on Mon, 13 May, 2024 - 11:00

According to the Buddha we see permanence where there is impermanence, substantiality where there is insubstantiality, see the unlovely as beautiful and the unpleasant as pleasant. How does this affect us? And even more importantly, what can we do about this? Yashobodhi makes the simple yet profound connection between ignorance and suffering. Excerpted from  the talk Distortions of the Mind given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2017.


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FBA Podcast: Going For Refuge - What Gets In the Way?

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 4 Dec, 2021 - 06:00

Maitrisara explores the vipallasas, the topsy turvy views as a way to explore how our delusions inhibit our efforts in spiritual practice. She begins with an overview of what Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels means and why frameworks to explore delusion (like the topsy turvy views) can help us. She illustrates the topsy turvy views with examples from her own life. 

This talk was given on a retreat for women mitras in the MidWest Region, 2019.


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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Process of Transformation

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 5 Mar, 2018 - 17:40

In this FBA Dharmabyte Sangharakshita reminds us that real transformation begins with the dawn of insight or clear vision. In this excerpt entitled “The Process of Transformation” Sangharakshita describes the opening of the Dharma Eye in terms of seeing things as they really are - upturning the four topsy turvy views.

From the talk “The Transcendental Eightfold Path” given in 1994 as part of the series Two Lectures to a Conference on the Nature of Reality...