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Tag: Tibetan Buddhism

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Suryadhamma from Cambridge, Massachusetts

By Candradasa on Sun, 21 Sep, 2014 - 14:33
A fascinating set of tales from Suriyadhamma from his many years worth of Buddhist practice. Taking us from his first encounters with the writings of Alan Watts in the ’60s through his long discipleship with Chogyam Trungpa and eventual membership of the Triratna Buddhist Order itself. And a wonderful insight into practice for someone who has lost his sight and finds light and joy all around him, especially through meditation. Suriyadhamma’s is a compelling and encouraging voice.

Recorded at...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes Podcast #382 - 'Padmasambhava at Work' by Parami

By Candradasa on Tue, 16 Sep, 2014 - 20:21
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Find magic and ritual in today’s FBA Dharmabyte, ‘Padmasambhava at Work’. Parami shares what it’s like ordaining someone – a channel to the transcendental. She talks about her personal link with Sangharakshita and the birth story of Padmasambhava and his taking Buddhism to Tibet – the marriage of cognition, feeling and emotion. From the talk ‘Energy At Its Most Abundant’ by...