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Lights In The Sky - living dharma
Lights In The Sky - living dharma

The Himalayas, 1950s - links to Triratna tradition

By Suryaprabha on Thu, 31 Oct, 2013 - 17:28

The Himalayas, 1950s - links to Triratna tradition

By Suryaprabha on Thu, 31 Oct, 2013 - 17:28BACKGROUND is a 42 minute film I made with Ratnaketu in the style of a pilgrimage to the hermitages and monasteries of Kalimpong, Darjeeling and Sikkim assoiated with Urgyen Sangharakshita, the TBC’s founder, and his principal teachers, Tibetan, Indian and Chinese. A beautiful Himalayan peak, Khangchendzonga, overlooked a resurgence of Buddhism, rather ironically first in the ‘West’ and then the ‘East’.
Enjoyed the film? You can make a donation at http://tinyurl.com/pag4n6g The full cylce of...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava's Song

By viriyalila on Thu, 24 Oct, 2013 - 21:46
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “Padmasambhava’s Song,” is an excerpt from the talk “Padmasambhava and the King of Tibet” by Vajratara. Here’s another tour-de-force from Vajratara, looking to approach the great figure of Padmasambhava – the ‘Second Buddha’ – through his famous meeting with the King of Tibet. As ever, a provocative, fully engaged and fully engaging take on the Dharma and the challenges that face us on the Path.

Talk given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2007
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava’s Teachings: Dharmabyte No. 288

By viriyalila on Mon, 21 Oct, 2013 - 15:23
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “Padmasambhava’s Teachings,” is an excerpt from the talk “Padmasambhava: Tantric Guru of Tibet” by Sangharakshita given in 1972. Padmasambhava, often known as the ‘Second Buddha’, is famous for converting the demons of Tibet. In this lecture we are given a brief biography of Padmasambhava and an outline of the progressive Nyingmapa practices attributed to him.
