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Dharmabyte: Overcoming Demons

By Rijupatha on Thu, 30 Jul, 2015 - 11:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is an introduction to Padmasambhava: “Overcoming Demons.” Padmasambhava, often known as the ‘Second Buddha’, is famous for converting the demons of Tibet. From the talk “Padmasambhava: Tantric Guru of Tibet” by Sangharakshita, 1972.

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Dharmabytes Podcast #382 - 'Padmasambhava at Work' by Parami

By Candradasa on Tue, 16 Sep, 2014 - 20:21
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Find magic and ritual in today’s FBA Dharmabyte, ‘Padmasambhava at Work’. Parami shares what it’s like ordaining someone – a channel to the transcendental. She talks about her personal link with Sangharakshita and the birth story of Padmasambhava and his taking Buddhism to Tibet – the marriage of cognition, feeling and emotion. From the talk ‘Energy At Its Most Abundant’ by...