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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

A Body at Peace with Itself (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Sat, 10 Aug, 2024 - 11:00

Balajit starts by exploring different perspectives on what is the body and how limited views can limit our practice. He shares his own journey of discovery around what the body is, particularly during his years living at Vajraloka Retreat Centre. The talk then looks at what it might mean for the body to be truly, profoundly and deeply at peace with itself. Given at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2017.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Somatic Going for Refuge (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Sat, 3 Aug, 2024 - 11:00

Singhashri reminds us of Bhante’s emphasis on the development of the true individual, positive group and spiritual community. She then links an embodied and relational approach to our individual and collective going for refuge, encouraging us to explore how a direct experience of safety, dignity and belonging in the sangha might support collective awakening. She ends by sharing specific ways we may practice “somatic going for refuge” which she describes as not a new level of going...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Watch the Launch of First Aid Kit for the Mind

By Centre Team on Sun, 19 May, 2024 - 14:56

Watch the Launch of First Aid Kit for the Mind

By Centre Team on Sun, 19 May, 2024 - 14:56

Celebrating the launch of First Aid Kit for the Mind: Breaking the Cycle of Habitual Behaviours by Vimalasara.

A conversation between two friends and experienced practitioners as they explore the book, its message and practices. and provide an opportunity to engage directly with the author.

Vimalasara and Candradasa explore the possibilities of bringing heart and mind back into alignment through self-regulation and self knowledge. A unique chance to gain insights into the powerful tools and strategies that First Aid Kit for the Mind offers...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: A Body of Practice

By Centre Team on Sat, 29 Jul, 2023 - 11:00

Drawing upon the myths in the life of the Buddha Satyapara explores the role the body plays when we take up Buddhist practice. She describes the Buddha as a child under a rose apple tree being deeply in touch with his surrounding and when calling upon the earth he gains confidence in his practice and overcomes his doubts. With these stories Satyapara invites us to trust our body. Given in Cambridge, UK, in...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Forces for Good - Challenging Emotions as Portals to Liberation (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 439)

By Centre Team on Thu, 16 Mar, 2023 - 12:26

A wonderful conversation highlighting the themes of a brand new Home Retreat – the latest addition to our growing archive of in-depth, beautifully resourced online spaces to help take your practice of meditation and Buddhism deeper.

Balajit, Singhashri and Viveka join us to discuss the opportunities and challenges of engaging with the gnarlier bits of our emotional lives, amid so much pressure of so many kinds in the world. A sparkling exchange about ways into integrating embodied practice...