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Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 8: 'Evolution or Extinction: Current World Problems’ by Sangharakshita

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 2 Jan, 2021 - 06:00

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 8: 'Evolution or Extinction: Current World Problems’ by Sangharakshita

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 2 Jan, 2021 - 06:00

And today’s jewel in our Twelve Days of FBA celebration is selected by Sanghadhara, the most recent addition to the Dharmachakra team, who joined us in 2020 to bring his prodigious video skills to the project; helping us reach even more people on the fast-changing web!

Sanghadhara offers a classic talk by Sangharakshita entitled ‘Evolution or Extinction: Current World Problems’, given in 1971 and still deeply relevant today, 50 years later. This talk has been curated into a series...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

For the Earth: The Environment and Social Justice

By kusaladevi on Wed, 1 Jul, 2020 - 11:41

For the Earth: The Environment and Social Justice

By kusaladevi on Wed, 1 Jul, 2020 - 11:41

For the Earth: The Environment and Social Justice, closing panel, Sunday 5th July

USA 11am PST | México 1pm | USA 2pm EST | UK & IE 7pm | Europe 8pm CET | India 23.30 | Sydney 04.00 (Monday 6th) | Auckland 06.00

Join us for a closing panel of five great speakers to help us round off BAM 2020!

Joining all of our wonderful, previous guests from this month’s exploration of how Buddhist practice...

Community Highlights
Buddhist Action

For the Earth: Deeper Resources for Action

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 26 Jun, 2020 - 13:01

For the Earth: Deeper Resources for Action

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 26 Jun, 2020 - 13:01

For the Earth: Deeper Resources for Action, by Guhyapati, Sunday 28th June

USA 11am PST | México 1pm | USA 2pm EST | UK & IE 7pm | Europe 8pm CET

The last year has seen important shifts in public narrative and awareness around the climate crisis. We’re living through enormous mobilisations on key social and ecological issues. For many, this feels like a turning point. In the midst of this historic point of disruption, awareness of the complexity of social change should alerts...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

For the Earth: The Earth is My Witness

By kusaladevi on Wed, 17 Jun, 2020 - 12:13

For the Earth: The Earth is My Witness

By kusaladevi on Wed, 17 Jun, 2020 - 12:13

For the Earth: The Earth is My Witness, by Aryadrishti, Sunday June 21st

USA 11am PST | México 1pm | USA 2pm EST | UK & IE 7pm | Europe 8pm CET

When Mara challenged the Buddha on the verge of enlightenment on his worth, he called the earth as his witness. The earth now is a witness to all the greed, hatred, and delusion of centuries of human occupation. Just as the Buddha saw...

Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

'I'm black, I'm white, I'm Jewish, I'm Buddhist" - Advayamati's reflections on 'Black Lives Matter'

By advayamati on Sun, 14 Jun, 2020 - 09:30

'I'm black, I'm white, I'm Jewish, I'm Buddhist" - Advayamati's reflections on 'Black Lives Matter'

By advayamati on Sun, 14 Jun, 2020 - 09:30

Reflecting on the Black Lives Matter events, Advayamati gave this talk at the Bristol Buddhist Centre Sangha Night on Tuesday 9 June, two days after the statue of 17th Century slave trader Edward Colston was pulled down in Bristol.  

This protest was part of an international response to the death of George Floyd in the USA.  

Advayamati ‘tells it straight, with warmth and humour’,  as a man of mixed race (‘I’m black, I’m white, I’m Jewish, I’m...

Glasgow Buddhist Centre
Glasgow Buddhist Centre

Glasgow Buddhist Centre Statement on the Black Lives Matter Movement

By kuladharini on Sun, 14 Jun, 2020 - 09:00

Glasgow Buddhist Centre Statement on the Black Lives Matter Movement

By kuladharini on Sun, 14 Jun, 2020 - 09:00

Statement from the council of Glasgow Buddhist Centre on 5th June 2020

The council of Glasgow Buddhist Centre affirms our commitment to equality, human dignity and social justice. We aspire to understand the impact that racism has on us all.

We are heartbroken that systemic racism and the ongoing hostility towards black communities has resulted in the murder of George Floyd while in US police custody. We invite our whole community to examine our own prejudices, have the courage to speak...
