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College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Eight Guidelines | Ethical Practice

By akasajoti on Sun, 28 Mar, 2021 - 13:38

Eight Guidelines | Ethical Practice

By akasajoti on Sun, 28 Mar, 2021 - 13:38

Maitripala, from Melbourne, Australia, and Santavajri from the UK, discuss the theme of Ethical Practice, covering aspects of sensitivity, remorse and confession, in the second in a series of informal, personal, conversations between Public Preceptors about the Eight Guidelines for Ordination Training.

The Eight Guidelines offer a framework through which Order Members and Mitras can reflect on and communicate about their going for refuge and process of training for Ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. In this series, members of the...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Letting the Words Drop In Deeply

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 2 Jul, 2020 - 14:00

The Perfection of Wisdom literature is filled with paradox. Santavajri shares her reflections on the rather baffling concepts presented in The Diamond Sutra and The Heart Sutra. Both relevant and incomprehensible, the true meaning goes well beyond the words themselves.

Excerpted from the talk entitled Approaches to the Perfection of Wisdom given at the London Buddhist Centre’s Women’s Class as part of their exploration of the Bodhisattva Ideal, 2011.


Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Forgiveness and Happiness

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 14 Sep, 2019 - 14:00

Touching on the themes of righteous indignation, spiritual bypassing, empathy, non-violent communication, envy and exploring apology, confession and working with betrayal, Santavajri poses the question as to whether we can forgive ourselves and move towards unconditional love for all beings. An exploration of verses 4, 5 and 6 of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind.

Talk given at the Women’s Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana, December 2018 as of the series Women’s Area Order...