Our FBA Dharmabyte today is dedicated to Dhardo Rinpoche, “The Origins of the Stupa.” In this segment Sangharakshita explains the origins of the Buddhist stupa. From the talk, Five Element Symbolism and the Stupa, given in 1971, is part of the series Parables, Myths and Symbols of Mahayana Buddhism in the White Lotus Sutra. We’ve dedicated this to Dhardo Rinpoche to help support a stupa being built in his honor at Aryaloka Buddhist...
By lokabandhu on Thu, 20 Feb, 2014 - 05:40Ashvajit writes with his usual round-up of Sangharakshita’s news over the past month, saying - “Rain has fallen on Adhisthana, Bhante’s home near the Malvern hills, this month, sometimes torrentially, and temperatures have hovered at times not far from zero. Some mornings, the skies have been clear and the rosy sunrise spectacular. The pond just beyond our windows, often ruffled by the breeze, is at times as smooth as glass, clearly reflecting the leafless trees and the frisky passage along...
By Candradasa on Fri, 31 Jan, 2014 - 14:07A rather wonderful, beautifully shot film from Shantiketu of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre, detailing a trip some members of the Triratna Buddhist Order made in 2013 to visit places in north east India associated with their teacher Urgyen Sangharakshita, and some of his own main teachers.
By Munisha on Thu, 16 Jan, 2014 - 16:40Suvannavira is Triratna’s emissary to Russia. Living in a hostel in Moscow, he teaches Dharma and meditation - and publishes Sangharakshita’s books in Russian, and has translated all the Foundation Year materials for the mitra study course! He writes:
“Poets and poems have long been loved and revered in Russia. Most dear is Alexander Pushkin, considered the Russian Shakespeare. Be careful if you are asked by Russian if you ‘know’ the poems of Pushkin. They don’t mean...
By Suryaprabha on Tue, 3 Dec, 2013 - 21:37THOUGHTHIS poem has been taken out of context, the ending of Time of Fire, I find it apt to reflect on the inferred death of Sangharakshita (long may it be postponed). As the film, part three of my history of Triratna, has several themes of conflict, I wanted to end on some sober reflection, and the author was kind enough to read his poem (or part of).
By Suryaprabha on Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 - 12:00THISLONG film, which can be downloaded from Vimeo*, explores the extent of Triratna Buddhism and tries to combine breadth with depth. I’m interested to know how it succeeds. As someone wrote:
From a community living in Australia to solitary retreat in New Zealand, from a train journey through Eastern Europe to a nursing home in Manchester, from a new Centre in Paris to someone’s personal myth in Finland. The film’s charm comes from its simple honesty: there is...
By Suryaprabha on Wed, 13 Nov, 2013 - 09:03THISIS a version of An Opening of the Heart with English subtitles burnt in for people for whom English is not their first language or are, like me, hard of hearing.
THEDVD versions come with Hindi, Spanish, Finnish and German subtitles included.
INCIDENTALLY there are French subtitles but only for the first half. If anyone would like to complete the task I’d be very pleased indeed.
By Viryabodhi on Tue, 12 Nov, 2013 - 14:41Hej alla Triratna-vänner,
Gårdagens personliga föredrag var något speciellt. Guhyavajra pratade otroligt ärligt och inspirerande om sitt liv, från enkla förhållanden i Nya Zeeland, via en hel del experimenterande, kollektivboende, intagande av olika ‘substanser’, kontakten med buddhismen, Triratna (särskilt den tidiga tiden, under början av 1980-talet) och olika möten med Sangharakshita. Guhyavajra är en av dem i Triratna som haft en väldigt rak och givande kontakt med Sangharakshita. I morse berättade han lite mer för mig, underbart. Jag...
In our first FBA Dharmabyte this week we hear from our founder and teacher, Sangharakshita as he describes his being “A Friend to the Order.” It’s 1990 and Bhante is making good his intention to follow up ‘The History of My Going For Refuge’ with another lecture looking at his relation to the rest of the Order titled “My Relation to the Order”.
Click image to view. If you would like to know more about the mounted A1 version for a shrine, or just the high resolution file for home, go to Print Media at LightsintheSky.org (The Lights in the Sky watermark is only on for viewing)