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Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Resources for Religion Without God, Week 4, Magic for the Modern World

By Candradasa on Mon, 12 Nov, 2012 - 14:06

Resources for Religion Without God, Week 4, Magic for the Modern World

By Candradasa on Mon, 12 Nov, 2012 - 14:06And here are the resources for the talk on Magic, concluding our series:

Mucalinda Sutta
Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s translation
John D. Ireland’s translation

Padmavajra’s ‘Alchemy of Love’ series (Mahayana section of talk)
Sangharakshita on magic rites in India and their evolution as Tantric rites - ‘The Symbolism of Colours and Mantric Sound’ (Vajrayana section of the talk)

Pico della Mirandola on ‘Natural Magic’ - ...