Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now
Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now

The Song of the Sangha!

By mokshini on Tue, 18 Jul, 2017 - 08:40

The Song of the Sangha!

By mokshini on Tue, 18 Jul, 2017 - 08:40

A lovely opportunity for us to take part in at the International Gathering: Arthasiddhi will be leading a choir every afternoon over the course of the weekend. 

A new simple, rousing chant has been written for this event, setting the very words in which the Buddha celebrated the first reaching-out-into-the-world of the Sangha - we will be singing it in the final puja.  Come and enjoy singing this chant and other simple harmony music including African chant; raise your voices...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

This Sunday: Summer & the Good Life

By shraddhavani on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 16:14

This Sunday: Summer & the Good Life

By shraddhavani on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 16:14

This Sunday, June 18, 10AM - 12:30 PM, we will conclude our May-June topic, What is the Good Life? Seeing Past Materialism, Inequality & the Cult of Fashion. This has been a meditation-focused  program exploring the Brahma Viharas - four powerful meditation practices that help us cultivate kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. We will meditate together, as always, and then look at how the efforts and the fruits of meditation really do help us bring key aspects of a good...


As Long As Space Abides...: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 00:07

As Long As Space Abides...: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 00:07

We’ve been in silence together today and followed a more meditative programme, absorbing the rich input of the last days. It’s as if an atmosphere of gentleness, quiet, and ease has pervaded Adhisthana, which seems unlikely in the midst of a landscaping project and a busy, living and working community; but it is so. There’s been the usual exchange of cheeky smiles, and I’ve enjoyed seeing people sitting and moving around the site absorbed in their own reflections. This practice...

Espace Sangha de Paris
Espace Sangha de Paris

Eloge des amis spirituels

By Ujumani on Sat, 19 Nov, 2016 - 14:22

Eloge des amis spirituels

By Ujumani on Sat, 19 Nov, 2016 - 14:22

Je veux partager avec vous le texte qui a été lu lors d’une des pujas, lors de l’excellente  retraite de célébration de la Sangha que nous avons faite le long week-end dernier à Marines, dans le Vexin.

Ce texte est adapté du Soûtra Gandavyuha (lui-même chapitre du Soûtra de l’Ornementation fleurie, un important soûtra du Mahayana), dans lequel Soudhana, au cours de sa quête vers l...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

The Quintessence of Compassion

By akasajoti on Fri, 26 Aug, 2016 - 16:44

The Quintessence of Compassion

By akasajoti on Fri, 26 Aug, 2016 - 16:44

The birds sing at dawn for you
And, after winter, Earth puts out bright flowers
The stars adorn your hair
And oceans lie like crumpled silk
Beneath your feet.
Your eyes shine with pure love.
Clouds melt in your hands
Dropping moisture to plants and streams.

Bestowing confidence, unwavering
Tara you are the perfect friend
Delighting in turning sorrow to joy
Your sole desire to heal all pain.

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Imagination, Beauty and Ritual, An Eight-Week Course (Padmavajri)

By Centre Team on Sun, 17 Jul, 2016 - 22:41

This course over eight weeks on The Place of Imagination, Beauty, and Ritual in the Spiritual Life was provided by Padmavajri from the Brighton Buddhist Centre.

Padmavajri says: “I led two groups on this. The course was aimed at any Mitras and it turned out I had a group of experienced Mitras, and a group of newer Mitras (one or two years old)… The two groups here loved it, enjoyed it, were challenged by it, and also were helped to understand ritual and the arts...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Ritual and Devotion, A Course In Six-Weeks (Vajrapriya)

By Centre Team on Sun, 17 Jul, 2016 - 22:12

Exploring the psychology and meaning of Buddhist ritual through the ‘Sevenfold Puja’

A six-week course exploring Buddhist ritual. Provided by Vajrapriya, Cambridge Buddhist Centre, UK. Module 5 of Vajrapriya’s Buddhism Two Course in six modules.

Download this overview here


  1. Who/what do Buddhists worship? Commitment to a path of personal development.
  2. The practice of openness, disclosure and confession.
  3. The importance of developing positive emotion.
  4. Receptivity: turning towards what is deepest in ourselves and the universe.
  5. The ‘Awakening Heart’
  6. ...
