Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Retelling the Tale of the Buddha (Buddha Day 2021)

By Centre Team on Thu, 27 May, 2021 - 20:27

Retelling the Tale of the Buddha (Buddha Day 2021)

By Centre Team on Thu, 27 May, 2021 - 20:27

For Buddha Day this year, we decided to offer up a treat from this year’s fantastic Home Retreat looking at the mythical life of the Buddha and its urgent relevance to us today.

Check out Buddha Day celebrations around Triratna

Follow us on Instagram for live updates all weekend

​Listen to a new series of seven talks by Nagasiddhi on the Buddha’s life

First, we have a beautiful re-telling of the Buddha’s life story told live with handmade sets and puppetry by Mandarava...

Padmaloka Retreat Centre
Padmaloka Retreat Centre

The Perfection of Wisdom and Dedication - Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 9 & 10

By Satyakirti on Thu, 28 May, 2020 - 15:58

The Perfection of Wisdom and Dedication - Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 9 & 10

By Satyakirti on Thu, 28 May, 2020 - 15:58

Teaching Emptiness Respectfully with Happiness Flowing from Clouds of Merit

In his final talk exploring the Bodhicaryavatara, Padmavajra introduces us to Shantideva’s exposition of the Prajnaparamita, the Perfection of Wisdom. Here, Shantideva tells us about the two truths, the conventional and the ultimate, as well as of the true meaning emptiness, which is the cure for the terrible sufferings that we undergo. In doing this he gives us a glimpse of the Bodhisattva “respectfully teaching emptiness … to those who imagine a...


Saturday Bhante Puja

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 23 May, 2020 - 19:14

Saturday Bhante Puja

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 23 May, 2020 - 19:14

Another Saturday night puja for Sangharakshita. Join us live at 7.15pm every Saturday night on Facebook.

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Threefold puja - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 3

By kusaladevi on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 14:18

Threefold puja - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 3

By kusaladevi on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 14:18

The third day on any retreat is often when difficulties or distractions start to arise! This is a good point to tune in again with the resolution you made at the beginning of the week and recommit yourself to the vision you have for the week. You may wish to mark your resolve by doing a puja (devotional ritual). One of the practices in our Community is the Threefold puja.

Listen to a talk by Bodhilila describing ritual in Buddhism...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Countdown to #buddhaday - 9 days to go...

By akasajoti on Thu, 30 Apr, 2020 - 11:27

Countdown to #buddhaday - 9 days to go...

By akasajoti on Thu, 30 Apr, 2020 - 11:27

Countdown to #buddhaday !⠀

Live from Mexico, we will hear 3 short talks given by Order Members from the 3 Triratna Buddhist Centres in Mexico about how they are inspired by the Buddha. Followed by a devotional ritual to the 3 jewels of the Buddha, the Truth, and the Spiritual Community… 💎💎💎 All in Spanish with English translation. ⠀

En vivo desde méxico escucharemos tres charlas por miembros de la Order de centros budistas...


Livestream Puja tonight 7.15pm BST

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 25 Apr, 2020 - 16:53

Livestream Puja tonight 7.15pm BST

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 25 Apr, 2020 - 16:53

Please join our fourth Facebook live-streamed Puja for Bhante, led by Saddhanandi with the Adhisthana community:


We will be chanting the five mantras Bhante asked us to do at his death.

Join in and participate at home (put your laptop/tablet/phone on your shrine and meditate, chant and make offerings with us!). Thanks to everyone who took part last week. We really enjoy doing puja with you all.

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

The Global Myth: Subhuti in Conversation

By akasajoti on Mon, 20 Apr, 2020 - 18:07

The Global Myth: Subhuti in Conversation

By akasajoti on Mon, 20 Apr, 2020 - 18:07

Subhuti, in conversation with James from Adhisthana, shares his and some of his friends experiences of the lockdown, reflecting on the present commonality of global experience and our human situation.

Follow Adhisthana here on Facebook, and here on Instagram, where they’re sharing a sense of life at Adhisthana continuing in the community there and live-streaming a puja each week which you can join in with.


Saturday 7.15pm GMT live streamed puja at Adhisthana

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 18 Apr, 2020 - 18:46

Saturday 7.15pm GMT live streamed puja at Adhisthana

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 18 Apr, 2020 - 18:46

Please join our third Facebook live-streamed Puja for Bhante with the Adhisthana community: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=295875208067310

We will be chanting the five mantras Bhante asked us to do at his death. This puja will be led by Saddhaloka and will include readings from Bhante.

Join in and participate at home (put your laptop/tablet/phone on your shrine and meditate, chant and make offerings with us!). Thanks to everyone who took part last week. We really enjoy doing puja with you all.

With each live-stream we’re getting...

Padmaloka Retreat Centre
Padmaloka Retreat Centre

Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 2: Giving Ourselves Completely to the Buddhas

By Satyakirti on Thu, 9 Apr, 2020 - 14:57

Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 2: Giving Ourselves Completely to the Buddhas

By Satyakirti on Thu, 9 Apr, 2020 - 14:57

“And I give myself to the Conquerors completely, and to their sons. Take possession of me Sublime Beings. In devotion I become your servant”.

In his second talk on the Bodhicaryavatara, Padmavajra tells us how Shantideva takes to heart, ever more firmly, the Bodhicitta, through his lavish performance of puja and a searing confession of faults. The talk was given in the shrine room on the weekly Padmaloka day retreat. It was given in honour of the anniversary of Sangharakshita’s founding of...
