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College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Eight Guidelines | Understanding the Principles of Triratna

By akasajoti on Thu, 23 Jun, 2022 - 11:29

Eight Guidelines | Understanding the Principles of Triratna

By akasajoti on Thu, 23 Jun, 2022 - 11:29

Karunadevi and Viradhamma, from California USA, share some of their reflections on the principles of the Triratna Order and Community, in a series of informal, personal, conversations between Public Preceptors about the Eight Guidelines for Ordination Training.

The Eight Guidelines offer a framework through which Order Members and Mitras can reflect on and communicate about their going for refuge and process of training for Ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. In this series, members of the Preceptors’ College from around the...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community (PDF)

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:14
Here’s the downloadable eBook version of Subhuti’s important new booklet on the core principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community.

You can also buy an inexpensive paper copy if you’d like something for your bookshelf.
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community

A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:06Subhuti’s important new booklet about the core principles of Triratna, based on his conversations with Sangharakshita. Essential reading. Download the eBook or read more about the genesis of his ‘manifesto’!

The world today is very different from that in which Buddhism originated and flourished over the millenia. Buddhists now practise and teach the Dharma in an age of urbanisation, globalisation, mass communication, and rapid technological change. The challenge we face today is to...