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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte - Metta Bhavana: Letting Kindness Happen

By Rijupatha on Mon, 17 Feb, 2014 - 12:29
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a short talk by Ratnaguna about the metta bhavana, or development of loving kindness, given at the Manchester Buddhist Centre in February 2012.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast here: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dharm…hist/id416832097

Lights In The Sky - living dharma
Lights In The Sky - living dharma


By Suryaprabha on Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 - 12:00


By Suryaprabha on Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 - 12:00THIS LONG film, which can be downloaded from Vimeo*, explores the extent of Triratna Buddhism and tries to combine breadth with depth. I’m interested to know how it succeeds. As someone wrote:
From a community living in Australia to solitary retreat in New Zealand, from a train journey through Eastern Europe to a nursing home in Manchester, from a new Centre in Paris to someone’s personal myth in Finland. The film’s charm comes from its simple honesty: there is...
Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Death and the Self, and the Buddha's Unanswered Questions

By Candradasa on Mon, 8 Oct, 2012 - 18:47
This is – as usual! – a brilliant and entertaining talk from Vaddhaka on the 10 (sometimes 14) unanswered questions I mentioned in passing in my first talk on ‘Religion Without God. I’ll probably refer to these again later in the series so I thought I’d post this talk here as a reference and resource. It also includes the wonderful story of the Buddha’s teaching about removing the poisoned arrow from your eye, as...
