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Tag: Positive Emotion

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Moving From Head to Heart (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Centre Team on Mon, 10 Jun, 2024 - 11:00

Vidyapala explores the imagination both from a Western cultural and philosophical point of view and then talks about its importance for us, as people trying to practice Buddhism in the West. He also suggests some ways of developing the imagination as a faculty of perception that helps us to understand reality more deeply. From the talk The Path of Imagination given at Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2021.


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Dharmabytes: This Human Situation

By Zac on Thu, 19 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

Samantabhadri explores what it was like to meet the Buddha, the fully Enlightened human being. She then discusses ‘garava’ as devotion for the whole richness of our Dharma Lives, including positive emotions for all beings.

From the talk entitled Turning Towards the Buddha: The True Nature of Devotion given on the Women’s Area Order Weekend held at Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2022.


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FBA Podcast: The Higher Context

By Zac on Sat, 24 Dec, 2022 - 06:00

We practice the Dharma so that we can transcend our self-clinging, thereby resolving our own suffering and contributing to the resolution of suffering in the world. This is the fundamental purpose of the Triratna Community.

Subhuti returns to Padmaloka after many years to delve into the fundamental principles behind Integration, Positive Emotion, Spiritual Receptivity, Spiritual Death, and Spiritual Rebirth, finding in each new and deeper significance. He invites his hearers to apply them deeply in their own lives. 

This talk is part...

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Dharmabyte: Being in Connection with Other Beings

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 15 Nov, 2021 - 06:00

Parami touches on aspects of Sangharakshita’s ‘system of meditation’, and most specifically the area of positive emotion. Parami is an ideal guide for this sort of material, steeped as she is in study and practice engaged within the light of the ‘Bodhichitta’, and the Bodhisattva Ideal itself.

From the talk entitled The Awakening Heart given at Taraloka Buddhist Centre, 2006.


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Dharmabyte: Uncertainty as Positive Emotion

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 - 06:00

A Tibetan Story shared by Vessantara about a young boy and his family and the uncertainty of the course of our lives.

Excerpted from the talk entitled Positive Emotion as part of the series The Mandala of Spiritual Practice: Positive Emotion Retreat given on a retreat called The Mandala of Spiritual Practice: Positive Emotion at Adhisthana, 2015.

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Dharmabyte: Restoration to Wholeness

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 15 Jun, 2020 - 14:00

When the whole of oneself is present, something new comes into play - we become more than the sum of our parts. Here we have Ratnaguna describing the stages of integration and positive emotion in the Triratna system of practice.

From the talk entitled The Underlying Pattern of the Spiritual Life given at Manchester Buddhist Centre on 14th April 2012.

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Dharmabyte: A State of Pure Happiness

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 25 May, 2020 - 14:00

In answering the question ‘What is Buddhism?’, Sangharakshita identifies higher evolution - the development of higher states of consciousness - with the twelve links in the progressive trend of the Buddha’s teaching of conditioned co-production.

In this excerpt we hear about the unification of all our emotional energies in the state of bliss.

May all beings be well and happy, without fear, without jealousy, may they be full of love, faith and joy. Positive emotion is an essential part of the higher evolution.


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FBA Podcast: Luminous Love

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 25 May, 2019 - 14:00

Enjoy our FBA Podcast this week: Luminous Love by Samantabhadri.

Speaking in a marquee on the June 2012 Women’s National Order Weekend at Taraloka and in a landscape dedicated to the Five Jinas, Samantabhadri explores positive emotion in our system of practice. Her themes are: pliancy and loosening boundaries; the imagination; insight; our collective life; the shade and the light of our spiritual lives.

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FBA Podcast: The Five Aspects of Dharma Life - Integration

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 18 May, 2019 - 14:00

Delve into the fundamental principles behind Integration in Triratna’s System of Practice with this week’s FBA Podcast entitled The Five Aspects of Dharma Life - Integration by Subhuti. With integration we begin by taking fully responsibility for our karmic agency.

This is the third talk in a series of eight from the System of Practice retreat at Padmaloka for men who have asked for Ordination.

Subhuti invites his hearers to find new and...
