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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

PoetryEast with Claudine Toutoungi and Jane Draycott

By Centre Team on Tue, 22 Mar, 2022 - 11:12

PoetryEast with Claudine Toutoungi and Jane Draycott

By Centre Team on Tue, 22 Mar, 2022 - 11:12

Saturday, 2nd April: 19.30pm UK Time
(in-person and live on YouTube)

Claudine Toutoungi is a playwright and poet. Her second poetry collection Two Tongues (Carcanet) won the Ledbury Munthe Poetry Prize. Claudine’s play Slipping was a Best Play Finalist in the 2015 Audio Drama Awards. Jane Draycott’s Carcanet collections include The Occupant (PBS Recommendation), Over (TS Eliot Prize shortlist), Prince Rupert’s Drop (Forward Prize shortlist) and a translation of the medieval dream-elegy Pearl. She is a Fellow of the...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Age of Reunion: Charles Eisenstein in Conversation with Maitreyabandhu

By Maitreyabandhu on Sat, 11 Dec, 2021 - 20:40

The Age of Reunion: Charles Eisenstein in Conversation with Maitreyabandhu

By Maitreyabandhu on Sat, 11 Dec, 2021 - 20:40

This clip is from an interview with Charles Eisenstein recorded on March 31st of this year. It is taken from the beginning of the interview, where Charles and Maitreyabandhu reflect upon the relevance of current events, such as the pandemic, on the transition from the ago of separation into the age of reunion.

This interview was a part of an event earlier this year run by the London Buddhist Centre.

Watch the full conversation


Charlies Eisenstein is an important speaker and...

Community Highlights
London Buddhist Centre

Poetry East with Paul Kingnorth

By Maitreyabandhu on Wed, 29 Sep, 2021 - 16:37

Poetry East with Paul Kingnorth

By Maitreyabandhu on Wed, 29 Sep, 2021 - 16:37

Saturday 9th October

11.00 US PST |  13.00 Mexico  | 14.00 US EST  |  19.00 IE & UK  |  20.00 CET Europe  |  07.00 (Sunday 10th) New Zealand

Paul Kingsnorth is a writer and thinker who takes on big themes connected to the root spiritual crisis of modernity. His journalism, novels and essays offer passionate and provocative perspectives on nature, technology and the story of our civilisation. He is author of ten books including Confessions of a Recovering...

Community Highlights
London Buddhist Centre

PoetryEast: Hannah Lowe in Conversation with Maitreyabandhu

By Maitreyabandhu on Tue, 14 Sep, 2021 - 12:15

PoetryEast: Hannah Lowe in Conversation with Maitreyabandhu

By Maitreyabandhu on Tue, 14 Sep, 2021 - 12:15

Saturday 25th September 

11am US PST | 2pm US EST  | 7pm IE & UK  | 8pm Europe CET | 11.30pm India. | 4am (next day) Australia EST | 7am (next day) NZDT 

Hannah’s first poetry collection Chick (Bloodaxe, 2013) won the Michael Murphy Memorial Award for Best First Collection. In September 2014, she was named as one of 20 Next Generation poets. 

Hannah’s father was Jamaican-Chinese, so many of her...

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The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

The Travellers from Orissa – Countdown to #buddhaday – 5 days to go...

By akasajoti on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 22:01

The Travellers from Orissa – Countdown to #buddhaday – 5 days to go...

By akasajoti on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 22:01

As a special treat for you all this week as we countdown to #buddhaday we will be releasing a series of dharma reflections each day…⠀

Here, Maitreyabandhu reads us a poem from his second collection called Yarn.

According to tradition, two travellers met the Buddha just after his enlightenment and became his first disciples, Tapussa and Bhallika. They disappear from literature after that point, and the Travellers from Orissa is a long dramatic monologue, written by Maitreyabandhu, imagining their story.

Make some space and sit comfortably...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Maitreyabandhu talks to Archbishop Rowan Williams, poet

By Munisha on Wed, 30 Mar, 2016 - 23:35

Maitreyabandhu talks to Archbishop Rowan Williams, poet

By Munisha on Wed, 30 Mar, 2016 - 23:35

On 19th March, Poetry East, at the London Buddhist Centre, UK, welcomed poet Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury. (Video 44 minutes)

Maitreyabandhu interviewed him. He writes: “We invited Dr Rowan Williams - Archbishop of Canterbury 2002-12, currently Master of Magdalen College, Cambridge -  to talk about poetry, faith, religion and suffering. Here he is in the main shrine room of the LBC, talking to me about his life, his poetry and his faith. He read from his two collections of poetry with ...
