Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Manjughosa Stuti Sadhana Retreat - The Talks By Subhuti

By Centre Team on Fri, 22 Sep, 2017 - 15:17

An outstanding series of talks by Subhuti on the theme of Sadhana during the Manjughosa Stuti Sadhana retreat at Adhisthana in 2017.

Over the course of six talks he articulates the stages we traverse in the practice of sadhana, which correspond to the stages of the system of practice - Reverence, Solidarity, Wise Attention, The Illumined Image, Dwelling in Reality and Dedication.

Listen to more talks by Subhuti

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Dhammarati on Sikkha - a new project to review and develop training in the system of practice

By dhammamegha on Mon, 30 May, 2016 - 18:24

I recently interviewed Dhammarati about an emerging project about the system of training in Triratna. It goes by the name of Sikkha (with a long a), which is a Pali word meaning ‘spiritual training’. It is about deepening our understanding of what and how we practice and teach within the Triratna community, and developing an explicit shared framework to talk about it. 

Here, Dhammarati reflects on what is essential in Buddhist practice: a growth of awareness which leads to positive and rich emotion and a move away...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Satyaraja and Kamalashila talk about meditation

By Saccanama on Wed, 16 Mar, 2016 - 13:27

In the last of our audio interviews from the March 2016 Preceptors’ College meeting, Satyaraja and Kamalashila share some reflections about their personal practice of meditation. It’s a lovely discussion between two people who are dedicated to meditation as a key way to work with the mind and discover more deeply the nature of it. We hear particularly about the devotional aspects of meditation, which is another way into the idea of insight itself. And about meditation retreats - solitary and...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Upayavira - Meditating With Your Child (Introduction and Guided Meditation)

By Free Buddhist Audio on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 21:09

As part of our weekend of resources for parents looking to practice Buddhism and meditation while caring for small children, we’re very happy to offer this great guided meditation from Upayavira, complete with a full introduction. Ideal for anyone looking to get started with practice - or renew it! - after having kids.

Upayavira was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2000, and became a parent soon after. Since then, he has been exploring, often through necessity, ways to meditate with...

Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Day 2: Living in the Mandala (With Guided Meditation)

By Centre Team on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 23:13
In her second talk of the 2015 Rainy Season Retreat, Ratnavandana embarks on a personal sharing of how her life has been transformed by deciding to go and live in the mandala of the Brahma Viharas and the Jinas themselves. Her deep love of the practices represents both an inspired and eminently practical vision of how to orientate yourself on the great map of the way…

Includes a guided meditation practice to help you find your feet wherever you...
