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Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Deepening Confidence in The Three Jewels

By Centre Team on Wed, 26 Apr, 2023 - 14:53

As part of the Fifty Years, Fifty Voices project, celebrating 50 years of the Triratna Buddhist Order; In this episode of the Buddhist Voices podcast, we hear from Manjuvajra, a member of the Order for over 45 years, who shares their experience of reassessing their relationship with the order after withdrawing from their previous institutional roles. Manjuvajra notes that the order they joined many years ago was very different from the current manifestation, making it harder to identify...

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Fifty Years, Fifty Voices: Manjuvajra (Highlights)

By Zac on Wed, 10 Aug, 2022 - 09:55

What’s happened over the years is I’ve got more and more confident in the existence of the Buddha, the effectiveness of the Dharma and the joy of the Sangha.

Manjuvajra’s Annals:

In 1968 I was 21 years old, living in London, enjoying the ‘Swinging 60’s’, studying physics at Imperial College, exploring sex and drugs, dabbling in religion and psychology, and spending the summer hitch-hiking with my future wife across Europe to Yugoslavia and Turkey.

In 1978 I was doing research connected...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Triratna America - American History NH

By Candradasa on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 15:49

Triratna America - American History NH

By Candradasa on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 15:49Today we’re going to be looking at some of the history of Triratna in the U.S. - how the institutions and community have evolved since 1985 when Aryaloka first opened its doors in the woods of New Hampshire…

First up is an old FWBO Newsreel’ clip from 1992, when Aryaloka was established yet everything was still fledgling in its way and about to undergo a major transition… Along with Dayalocana’s talk as part...
Triratna News
Triratna News

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Manjuvajra

By lokabandhu on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 18:48

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Manjuvajra

By lokabandhu on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 18:48This short talk, given by Manjuvajra from Triratna’s Guhyaloka Retreat Centre in Spain, is the fourth and last in a series from Order Members from around the world on the theme of ‘Why I am an Order Member’.

Other talks are available on VideoSangha from the Men’s Convention and the Combined Convention.

Manjuvajra’s talk is available on YouTube here if the embedded player is not visible.