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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Perfecting Generosity, Ethics and Patience

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 25 Dec, 2021 - 06:00

Here Padmavajra explores a great classic of Tibetan Buddhism – Gampopa’s ‘Jewel Ornament of Liberation’. The work, inspired by devotion to Manjusri, is one of the key texts in the development of the Tibetan Lam Rim teachings. And Gampopa, being one of the two principle disciples of the yogi Milarepa, presents both the monastic Lam Rim approach of Atisha and the Mahamudra meditation teachings of Milarepa himself.

This is the seventh talk in an eight part series entitled ...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Perfecting Generosity, Ethics and Patience

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 22 Aug, 2020 - 14:00

This is the seventh talk in an eight part series by Padmavajra exploring a great classic of Tibetan Buddhism – Gampopa’s ‘Jewel Ornament of Liberation’.

The work, inspired by devotion to Manjusri, is one of the key texts in the development of the Tibetan Lam Rim teachings. And Gampopa, being one of the two principle disciples of the yogi Milarepa, presents both the monastic Lam Rim approach of Atisha and the Mahamudra meditation teachings of Milarepa himself.

Talk given at ...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Horse and the Rider

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 19 Jul, 2018 - 14:54

This FBA Dharmabyte, is called ‘The Horse and the Rider’, an excerpt from the talk entitled Cutting the Bonds by Vadanya, the introduction to a Sangha Night Series at Sheffield Buddhist Centre - ’Total Transformation - Head, Heart and Guts’.

Using an analogy of a rider on a horse, Vadanya notes that we often act as if our head (the rider) is the most important aspect of our experience and overlook our emotions and our...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: One Understands

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 2 Mar, 2018 - 17:05

This FBA Dharmabyte is called ‘One Understands’, an excerpt from the talk on ‘Manjusri’ by Amaraghosha, one of a series of talks about archetypal Bodhisattvas.

In this excerpt Amaraghosha explores the importance of wisdom in the Buddhist tradition through teachings including the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in 2016 as part of their regular Saturday morning Sangha class.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Manjughosa Stuti Sadhana Retreat - The Talks By Subhuti

By Centre Team on Fri, 22 Sep, 2017 - 15:17

An outstanding series of talks by Subhuti on the theme of Sadhana during the Manjughosa Stuti Sadhana retreat at Adhisthana in 2017.

Over the course of six talks he articulates the stages we traverse in the practice of sadhana, which correspond to the stages of the system of practice - Reverence, Solidarity, Wise Attention, The Illumined Image, Dwelling in Reality and Dedication.

Listen to more talks by Subhuti

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Manjusri Mantra

By Dassini on Sat, 6 Aug, 2016 - 13:06

We finished off the fourth day with a ritual that included readings in many languages and this rather beautiful, atmospheric harmonized chanting of the mantra of the Bodhisattva Manjusri, whose great sword of kindly wisdom cuts through the heart of all ignorance and confusion.

Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih

Read more about the mantra 

See all posts from the International Council 2016

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Preparing For A Buddhist Ritual - Follow Live Online!

By Candradasa on Tue, 12 Jan, 2016 - 16:39

This is an invitation from Stanashraddha and Satyalila at Adhisthana to join them in spirit for a special ritual that will take place there this evening, Tuesday January 12th at 7pm GMT/2pm EST

You can watch a live stream on Periscope of proceedings! On site participating in the ritual will be members of the Adhisthana communities and a small group who are on a Complete Works working retreat. It will be led by Saddhanandi, Chair of Adhisthana.
