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A guided reflection on the three levels of what is described as the ‘heart space’; the meeting point between self and world. Bhadra guides us into the experiences of the front facing heart, the deep heart and the heart of awareness itself.
At the Exeter Sangha Night sessions this month, we are starting off our journey of Going Deeper with our meditation practice’ by looking at involving our bodies and physical experience.
This includes spending some time with and achieving a comfortable and supportive posture - I have attached a short guide (thanks to Vajramati from the New York Triratna Centre) and here is also a link to ...
By Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 29 Sep, 2015 - 17:56
A helpful introduction from Amaragita to the subtler reaches of body-based awareness meditation, bringing in a sense of our physical, emotional and mental ‘bodies’ as the basis for deep relaxation and resting in our experience.